Genesis Questions 5 Flashcards
That his soul may bless Esau before he dies (Gen 27:4)
Isaac told Esau to prepare him delicious food, and bring it to him that he may eat that what?
the land on which he was lying (Gen 28:13)
What will the Lord give to Jacob and his offspring?
Comforts himself (Gen 27:42)
Esau does what by planning to kill Jacob?
Isaac (Gen 26:14)
Who had possessions of flocks and herds and many servants?
a vow (Gen 28:20)
Jacob made what, saying “If God will be with me and will keep me in this way that I go…”?
Bethuel (Gen 28:2)
Who is Jacob’s mother’s father?
a window (Gen 26:8)
Abimelech looked out of what?
When Esau grows restless (Gen 27:40)
When will Esau break Jacob’s yoke from his neck?
The best garments of Esau (Gen 27:15)
What kind of garments did Rebekah take?
all the wells that Abraham’s servants had dug in the days of Abraham (Gen 26:15)
The Philistines filled what with earth?
after the death of Abraham (Gen 26:18)
When had the Philistines stopped the wells of water that had been dug in the days of Abraham?
Esau (Gen 27:11)
Who is a hairy man?
Isaac’s servants (Gen 26:32)
Who came and told Isaac about the well that they had dug?
By planning to kill him (Gen 27:42)
How does Esau comfort himself about Jacob?
Ishmael (Gen 28:9)
Mahalath was whose daughter?
the Philistines (Gen 26:15)
Who had stopped and filled with earth all the wells that Abraham’s servants had dug in the days of Abraham?
that the Lord has been with Isaac (Gen 26:28)
What did Abimelech and his men see plainly?
Esau (Gen 27:3)
Who was to take his weapons, his quiver and his bow and go out to the field and hunt game?
attractive in appearance (Gen 26:7)
Because Rebekah was what, Isaac feared to say “My wife”, thinking, “lest the men of this place should kill me because of Rebekah”?
Isaac (Gen 26:9)
Who thought, “Lest I die because of her.”?
For Isaac (Gen 27:14)
For whom did Rebekah prepare delicious food?
Abimelech and his people (Gen 26:16)
Isaac was much mightier than whom?
the wells of water that had been dug in the days of Abraham (Gen 26:18)
What had Isaac dug again?
Paddan-aram (Gen 28:2)
Go to where to the house of Bethuel, and take as your wife from there one of the daughters of Laban?
Abimelech, Ahuzzath and Phicol
Who ate and drank the feast Isaac made for them?
the well that they had dug (Gen 26:32)
Isaac’s servants came and told Isaac about what?
Nations and his mother’s sons (Gen 27:29)
Who will bow down to Jacob?
Bethuel (Gen 28:5)
Laban is the son of whom?
Everyone who curses Jacob (Gen 27:29)
Who will be cursed?
flocks, herds and many servants (Gen 26:14)
What possessions did Isaac have?
Jacob (Gen 27:36)
Who has cheated Esau two times?
Isaac speaking to his son Esau (Gen 27:5)
What was Rebekah listening to?
Isaac (Gen 26:25)
Who built an altar at Beersheba and called upon the name of the Lord and pitched his tent there?
oath (Gen 26:33 FN)
Shibah sounds like the Hebrew for what?
the Lord to Isaac (Gen 26:2)
Who to whom, “Do not go down to Egypt: dwell in the land of which I shall tell you.”?
Isaac (Gen 26:33)
Who called the name of the well Shibah?
lands (Gen 26:2)
To Isaac and to his offspring, the Lord will give all these what?
Abimelech to the people (Gen 26:11)
Who to whom, “Whoever touches this man or his wife shall surely be put to death”?
the land of his sojournings that God gave to Abraham (Gen 28:4)
May Jacob take possession of what land?
Isaac (Gen 28:5)
Who sent Jacob away?
Rebekah to Jacob (Gen 27:6)
Situation: who said this to whom “Now therefore, my son, obey my voice as I command you.”
100 (Gen 26:12)
How many fold had Isaac reaped in the same year?
Isaac (Gen 27:33)
Who trembled very violently?
in Gerar (Gen 26:6)
Isaac settled where?
the top of the stone or pillar (Gen 28:18)
Jacob poured oil on what?
When Isaac had been in Gerar a long time (Gen 26:8)
When did Abimelech look out a window?
laughing (Gen 26:8)
Abimelech look out of a window and saw Isaac doing what with his wife?
Jacob (Gen 27:29)
Who will nations bow down to?
the Lord (Gen 28:13)
Who stood above a ladder?
wells (Gen 26:15)
What had Abraham’s servants dug?
Jacob’s yoke (Gen 27:40)
What shall Esau break from his neck?
As soon as Isaac had finished blessing Jacob, when Jacob had scarcely gone out form the presence of Isaac (Gen 27:30)
When did Esau come in from his hunting?
bitterness of spirit (Gen 26:35 FN)
Bitter means what in Hebrew?
Abraham (Gen 26:1)
The former famine was in the days of whom?
Jacob (Gen 28:5)
Who went to Paddan-aram to Laban?
Isaac to Jacob (Gen 27:26)
Situation: Who said this to whom “Come near and kiss me, my son.”
Loathe her life (Gen 27:46)
Rebekah what, because of the Hittite women?
Jacob (Gen 27:37)
Isaac made who lord over Esau and all his brothers?
the herdsmen of Gerar (Gen 26:20)
Who quarrelled with Isaac’s herdsmen?
Rebekah to Jacob (Gen 27:45)
Situation: Who said this to whom “Why should I be bereft of you both in one day?”
Gerar (Gen 26:1)
Isaac went to where to Abimelech king of the Philistines?
the Lord (Gen 26:22)
Who has made room for Isaac and his people?
Jacob (Gen 20:21)
Who shall come again to his father’s house in peace?
earth (Gen 26:15)
With what had the Philistines filled all the wells that Abraham’s servants had dug in the days of Abraham?
the angels of God (Gen 28:12)
Who were ascending and descending on a flight of steps?
more and more (Gen 26:13)
Isaac gained how much until he became very wealthy?
Abraham (Gen 28:4)
May God Almighty give whose blessing to Jacob and to his offspring?
all the families of the earth (Gen 28:14)
In Jacob and his offspring, who shall be blessed?
Isaac, Abimelech, Phicol and Ahuzzath (Gen 26:31)
Who rose early in the morning and exchanged oaths?
Jacob (Gen 28:11)
Who lay down to sleep with a stone under his head?
the gate to heaven (Gen 28:17)
In Jacob’s dream, it was none other than the house of God, and what?
Rebekah (Gen 27:5)
Who was listening when Isaac spoke to his son Esau?
Isaac (Gen 27:23)
Who did not recognize Jacob?
Abimelech to Isaac (Gen 26:10)
Who to whom, “What is this you have done to us?”?
the dust of the earth (Gen 28:14)
Jacob’s offspring shall be like what?
Isaac and Rebekah (Gen 26:35)
Esau’s wives made life bitter for whom?
Esau (Gen 27:40)
Who shall serve his brother?
The delicious food and the bread, which she had prepared (Gen 27:17)
What did Rebekah put into the hand of her son Jacob?
To Laban her brother in Haran (Gen 27:43)
To where did Rebekah tell Jacob to flee?
She put them on Jacob’s hands and on the smooth part of his neck (Gen 27:16)
What did Rebekah do with the skins of the young goats?
a hundredfold (Gen 26:12)
What had Isaac reaped in the same year?
Esau’s wives, Judith and Basemath (Gen 26:35 FN)
Who were bitterness of spirit for Isaac and Rebekah?
Esau (Gen 27:30)
Who came in from his hunting?
Two good young goats (Gen 27:9)
What did Rebekah tell Jacob to bring her?
bitter (Gen 26:35)
How did Esau’s two wives make life for Isaac and Rebekah?
Isaac (Gen 27:3)
Who told Esau to take his weapons, his quiver and his bow and go out to the field and hunt game?
Jacob (Gen 27:30)
Who had scarcely gone out from the presence of Isaac?
peace (Gen 26:31)
Abimelech, Ahuzzath and Phicol departed from Isaac in what?
Esau (Gen 27:40)
Who will grow restless?
from his hunting (Gen 27:30)
From where did Esau come in?
The skins of the young goats (Gen 27:16)
What was put on the smooth part of Jacob’s neck?
Abimelech’s advisor (Gen 26:26)
Who is Ahuzzath?
heaven (Gen 28:12)
The top of the ladder reached to where?
a full tenth (Gen 29:22)
Of all that the Lord gives Jacob, he will give what to the Lord?
The day of his death (Gen 27:2)
What does Isaac not know?
Esau’s (Gen 27:22)
Whose are the hands?
Isaac’s servants to Isaac (Gen 26:32)
Who to whom, “We have found water.”?
Esau (Gen 28:6)
Who saw that Isaac had blessed Jacob?
When Esau’s anger turns away from Jacob and he forgets what Jacob has done to him (Gen 27:45)
When will Rebekah send and bring Jacob from Haran?
the Canaanite women (Gen 28:1)
Isaac directed Jacob to not take a wife from whom?
Esau to Isaac (Gen 27:31)
Situation: Who said this to whom “Let my father arise and eat of his sons’ game, that you may bless me.”
God’s house (Gen 28:22)
This stone, which Jacob has set up for a pillar, shall be what?
the Lord to Isaac (Gen 26:24)
Who to whom, “Fear not for I am with you”?
Isaac’s eyes (Gen 27:1)
What was dim?
Abimelech (Gen 26:9)
Who called Isaac and said, “Behold, she is your wife”?
He takes by the heel or He cheats (Gen 27:35 FN)
What does Jacob mean?
all that the Lord gives him (Gen 28:22)
Jacob will give a full tenth of what to the Lord?
valley of Gerar (Gen 26:17)
Isaac encamped in what valley?
Elon the Hittite (Gen 26:34)
Basemath was whose daughter?
Away from the fatness of the earth and away from the dew of heaven on high (Gen 27: 39)
Where shall Esau’s dwelling be?
Until Esau’s fury turns away from Jacob and he forgets what Jacob has done to him (Gen 27:43-44)
Until when did Rebekah tell Jacob to stay with her brother Laban?
Jacob (Gen 28:12)
Who dreamed?
Sitnah (Gen 26:21)
The herdsmen also quarrelled over another well, so Isaac called its name what?
Abimelech, Phicol and Ahuzzath (Gen 26:29)
Who has done nothing but good to Isaac?
The Lord to Isaac (Gen 26:23)
Who to whom, “I am the God of Abraham your father.”?
Sitnah (Gen 26:21 FN)
What means enmity?
Rebekah (Gen 26:7)
Isaac thought the men of Gerar would kill him because of whom?
guilt (Gen 26:10)
Isaac would have brought what upon Abimelech and his people?
Isaac (Gen 26:10)
Who would have brought guilt upon Abimelech and his people?
Basemath (Gen 26:34)
Who was the daughter of Elon the Hittite?
Isaac (Gen 26:13)
Who gained more and more?
As soon as Esau heard the words of his father (Gen 27:34)
When did Esau cry out with an exceedingly great and bitter cry?
Jacob (Gen 28:20)
Who made a vow, saying “If God will be with me and will keep me in this way that I go…?
Esek (Gen 26:20 FN)
What means contention?
Bow down (Gen 27:29)
Let nations do what to Jacob?
Jacob and Esau (Gen 28:5)
Rebekah is the mother of whom?
Very violently (Gen 27:33)
How did Isaac tremble?
Isaac (Gen 26:29)
Who was sent away in peace?
Isaac to Jacob (Gen 27:20)
Situation: Who said this to whom: “How is it that you have found it so quickly, my son?