Gospel of John Flashcards
According to 1 John 4:16, what is God?
Who does 1 John 5:1 say we love if we love Him who begot?
Whoever is begotten of Him
What command does John give us in 1 John 4:7?
Love one another
What does John call us in 1 John 3:2?
What does 1 John 3:4 say is a synonym for sin?
Why did the Father send the Son, according to 1 John 4:14?
To be the Savior of the world
According to 1 John 4:17, how are we in the world?
As He is
According to 1 John 3:20, what does God know?
All things
According to 1 John 4:9, why did God send His Son into the world?
That we might live through Him
According to 1 John 2:22, what is he who denies the Father and the Son
An “antichrist”
According to 1 John 2:21, what do we know?
the truth
What is happening to the world, according to 1 John 2:17?
It is passing away
Is there any sin in Jesus, according to 1 John 3:5?
What does 1 John 2:25 say that God has promised us?
Eternal life
According to 1 John 2:27, do we need anyone to teach us?
Who does 1 John 4:4 say we have overcome?
The antichrist(s)
Why does John write to the fathers in 1 John 2:13 and 14?
Because they have known Him who is from the beginning
According to 1 John 2:24, what are we to have abide in us?
That which we have heard from the beginning
BONUS QUESTION: Who was Cain’s brother?
Who does 1 John 3:12 say was of the wicked one?
Where is the person who loves his brother, according to 1 John 2:10?
In the light
How are we to love, according to 1 John 3:18?
In deed and truth
How do we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of error, according to 1 John 4:6?
Those who know God hear us; those who do not know God do not hear us
What does 1 John 3:14 say we have passed away from?
What have we known and believed, according to 1 John 4:16?
The love that God has for us
According to 1 John 4:5, who do “they” speak as?
the world
What commandment is given in 1 John 3:23?
Believe on the name of His Son Jesus Christ and love one another
According to 1 John 1:9, what two things does God do when we confess our sins?
He forgives us our sins and cleanses us from all unrighteousness
According to 1 John 2:19, were the antichrists of us?
Who does 1 John 5:1 say is born of God?
Whoever believes that Jesus is the Christ
According to 1 John 3:1, what has the Father bestowed on us?
According to 1 John 4:18, what does fear involve?
According to 1 John 4:17, what may we have boldness in?
The day of judgment
How do we know love, according to 1 John 3:16?
Because He laid down His life for us
According to 1 John 2:4, what is not in someone who claims to know God but doesn’t keep His commandments?
The truth
What attribute of God is spoken of in 1 John 4:7?
(His) love
According to 1 John 3:12, who was Cain of?
The wicked one
According to 1 John 4:1, who are we not to believe?
Why does John write to the little children in 1 John 2:12 and 13?
Because their sins have been forgiven and because they know the Father
According to 1 John 4:18, what does perfect love do to fear?
Casts it out
In 1 John 3:11, what message have we heard from the beginning?
We should love one another
According to 1 John 3:16, what do we know because He laid down His life for us?
Who does 1 John 3:2 say we will be like?
What does 1 John 3:14 say that we have passed away from death into?
According to 1 John 3:8, why was the Son of God manifested?
To destroy the works of the devil
According to 1 John 2:21, what is not of the truth?
What is passing away, according to 1 John 2:8?
Do God’s commandments, what does 1 John 3:22 say we will receive from Him is we ask for it?
Whatever we ask
According to 1 John 2:1, who is our Advocate?
Jesus Christ (the righteous)
According to 1 John 3:3, what happens to those who have this hope?
They purify themselves
According to a John 1:10, if we say we have not sin, what is not in us?
God’s word
Where does the person walk who hates his brother, according to 1 John 2:11?
In darkness
How does 1 John 4:3 say we can determine who are the spirits of the Antichrist?
They do not confess that Jesus came in the flesh
According to 1 John 4:6, who do not hear us?
Those who do not know God
According to 1 John 4:20, what is someone who says they love God but hates a brother?
A liar
According to 1 John 2:20, why do we know all things?
Because we received an anointing from the Holt One
What does 1 John 3:16 say we ought to do with our lives?
Lay them down
How are we not to love, according to 1 John 3:18?
In word or in tongue
According to 1 John 2:21, why does John write to us?
Because we know the truth
To whom do we have confidence if our heart does not condemn us, according to 1 John 3:21?
What three things does 1 John 2:16 define as being in the world?
The lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life
According to 1 John 2:20, where did we get an anointing?
From the Holy One
What characteristic of Jesus is mentioned in 1 John 3:3?
His purity
Who does 1 John 4:4 say we are of?
According to 1 John 2:22, what is he who denies that Jesus is the Christ
A liar
According to 1 John 1:3, why does John declare to us what he has seen and heard?
That we may have fellowship with us
What are we to test the spirits to see, according to 1 John 4:1?
(To see) if they are of God
According to 1 John 1:7, what do we get when we walk in the light?
Fellowship with one another
According to 1 John 1:5, what has John done with the message he has heard?
Declared it to us
Who is greater than the world, according to 1 John 4:4?
He who is in us
Who does 1 John 4:6 say we are of?
How does 1 John 2:22 describe a liar?
One who denies that Jesus is the Christ
According to 1 John 1:3, who is our fellowship with?
The Father, His Son Jesus Christ and fellow believers
According to 1 John 4:10, why did God send His Son?
To be the propitiation for our sins
According to 1 John 2:23, who does he who denies the Son not have?
The Father
In 1 John 3:19, how do we know we are of the truth and assure our hearts before Him (Hint: vs.18)?
By loving in deed and truth
According to 1 John 3:20, what might our heart do to us?
Condemn us
According to 1 John 1:10, what are we trying to make God when we say we have no sin?
A liar
According to 1 John 1:5, what does God not have in him?
According to 1 John 4:14, for whom was the Son to be the Savior for?
The world
According to 1 John 1:7, what is God in?
The light
What does 1 John 4:1 say we are to do when we encounter spirits?
Test them
What has he who fears not been made perfect in, according to 1 John 4:18?