Bible Geography Flashcards
On which two mountains did Israel read the blessings and curses of the law?
Mount Ebal and Mount Gerizim
What Gentile entered the Most Holy Place?
Where is the third stop for Abraham in Israel?
Between what two cities did Abram make his second stop in Israel?
Bethel and Ai
What year did the Romans capture Jerusalem (and gained sovereignty through Jesus’ life)?
63 BC
What marks the extreme southern boundary of Israel (both in modern and biblical times)?
What was the key city of the third missionary journey?
What was the key city of the first missionary journey?
Pisidian Antioch
What city was David anointed king and became his first capital?
What is the elevation of the Dead Sea?
1, 385 ft. below
Where were the tablets discovered that recorded correspondence between Egypt and city-state rulers of the Levant (what would later be known as Israel)?
What made Benjamin one of the busiest tribal areas?
- Major roads intersecting
- Invading international powers would enter and occasionally meet for battle
What is the name of the route that Abraham took through Israel?
Route of the Patriarchs
Primary zones in Palestine
chart we filled
5 Major valleys of Shephelah
And City names
- Aijalon Valley – Gezer/Emmauss
- Sorek Valley – Beth Shemesh
- Elah Valley – Azekah/Gath
- Beth Guvrin – Maresha
- Lachish Valley - Lachish
International Route
Gaza – Aphek – Megiddo – Mt. Tabor – Hazor – Dan - Damascus
What is the name of the first stop in Israel? What event happened there?
Lord appeared to Abram
Name one of the most prominent places to where David fled when pursued by Saul.
En Gedi
Near what city and by what event did a certain place became a permanent patriarch settlement?
Abraham bought the cave of Macpelah
Where did the northern kingdom establish worship centers? Why?
Dan and Bethel, because Jeroboam sought to “detour” any worshipers heading to the temple in Jerusalem
4 longitudindal zones
Coastal plan
Central Mountain Range
rift Valley
Transjordanian mountain
Summarize the four general principles concerning the amount of rainfall in the holy land.
- Decreases from north to south
- Decreases from west to east
- Increases with elevation
- Greater on windward side of mountains
Patriarchal Highway
Beersheba – Hebron – (via bethlehem) – Jerusalem – Ramah – Bethel – Shiloh - Shechem
The most famous city of this remote region [of Edom] is
When did Jerusalem fall—the city razed and temple burned?
The fall - July 14th 586 BC. City razed and burned - August 14th - 17th 586 BC.
Where did people from the tribe of Levite live?
- Assigned towns and pasturelands throughout Israel
- Judah and Jerusalem
List three evidences that the northern kingdom was characterized by instability.
- 19 kings came from 9 different families
- 8 of its kings were either assassinated or committed suicide
- Israel had 4 capitals
East-West Route
Gezer/Emmaus – Aijalon Valley – Lower Beth-Horon – Upper Beth-Horon – Ramah – Michmash - Jericho
Name the main cities the interregional “Route of the Patriarchs” (or, “Ridge Route”) passed through between Beersheba to Shechem.
Beersheba, Hebron, Jerusalem, Ramah, Bethel/Ai, Shiloh, shechem
From north to south, name the major regions of the Transjordanian mountains zone.
Bashaan, Gilead, Moab.
Name the three great rivers of the Middle East
Tigris, Nile, Euphrates
The _______ is the most important body of water to this area. Why?
Life-giving rain water
List two evidences that Judah, the southern kingdom, was characterized by stability.
- 19 kings all from the Davidic dynasty
2. Jerusalem had been firmly established as the religious and political capital of the southern kingdom
When did Jerusalem expand greatly from 37 to 150 acres?
Around the time that the Edomites invaded Judah, while Philistines captured cities near Shephelah
During the siege of what city was David back in Jerusalem having his sinful affair with Bathsheba?
3 mountains that form the eastern boundary of Jezreel Valley
Mt. Gilboa
Mt. Moreh
Mt. Tabor
Who did Alexander leave to rule over Egypt and who later also ruled part of Palestine?
On what mount did Saul and Jonathan die (1 Sam 31)? Who buried Saul and Jonathan?
Mount Gilboa, Jabesh Gilead
From west to east, list the five longitudinal zones of the holy land.
Coastal plain, central mountain range, rift valley, Tranjordanian mountains, eastern desert
Who ruled over Syria, Mesopotamia, and Persia following Alexander’s death?
Seleucus I
Who was Solomon’s successor? And where did all Israel make him king?
What year did Nebuchadnezzar destroy the city and the temple?
586 BC
What northern city did Israel defeat, but did not follow up their victory by establishing a settlement (so that Canaanites once again occupied this city well into the period of the judges)?
What was the key event of the second missionary journey?
Macedonian vision
Which city was Antipas constructing as his new capital while Jesus was growing up?
Who ordered Jerusalem to be destroyed?
What change of name did he give to the province of Judea?
Emperor Hadrian AD 135.
What are the measurements of the Sea of Galilee?
13 by 7.5 miles
What is one of the best documented events in the ancient world?
Sennachrib’s response
What is the only natural seaport in Israel?
What is the name of the first stop for Abram from Ur? What event happened there?
His father, Terah, died
Diagonal Route
Gezer/Emmaus – Beth Shemesh – Azekah/Gath – Maresha – Lachish
When the northern kingdoms rejected this king (named above in #1), who became king of the north?
How large was Jericho (land size and population)?
2,000 people, 10 acre mound
Which city does Rasmussen state was the starting point of the Israelite departure from Egypt?