Jen ch 10 Flashcards
family durability
term for the intrafamilial system of support and structure that extends beyond the walls of the household
family resiliency
ability of the family to cope with expected and unexpected stressors
family diversity
uniqueness of each family unit
set of relationships that the patient identifies as family or as a network of individuals who influence one another’s lives, whether or not there are actual biological or legal ties
family forms
patterns of people considered by family members to be included in the family
Family Health System
Holistic model which guides the assessment and care for families. Five realms/processes of family life: interactive, developmental. coping, integrity and health
family hardiness
the internal strengths and durability of the family unit
family as context
Nursing perspective in which the family is viewed as a unit of interacting members having attributes, functions, and goals separate from those of the individual family members
family as patient
Nursing approach that takes into consideration the effect of one intervention on all members of a family
family as system
includes both relational and transactional concepts
acknowledging the importance of the capability of care recipients to share exchanges that contribute to a caregiver’s perception of self-worth. When the caregiver knows that the care recipient appreciates his or her efforts and values the assistance provided, a healthier and more satisfying caregiving relationship exists