J5 - social action Flashcards
define tzedaka
-Hebrew word for charity, means justice
why is tzedaka done
-the thought that helping people is the right thing to do, not something extra
-teaches jews significance of giving for one’s own redemption
-many jews do it before prayer
-helping = service/ money/ goods
where is tzedaka shown as important
-In the Talmud, giving even a small coin may give the person Shekinah
verses to show importance of Tzedaka
-“keep justice & practice, for My salvation is near to come, & My benevolence to be revealed “ - Prophet Isaiah
-“great is Tzedaka for it brings the redemption”- Isaiah12
-“rather you must open you hand & lend whatever is sufficient to meet the need” - Deuteronomy 15:8
define Pushkes
-tzedaka boxes kept in Jewish homes for the family to accumulate money over time to donate
why is there Pushkes
-tradition came from temple times where there were lishkat chashin in the temples
-fams can drop small change before each daily prayer or shabbat
-seen as a sign of a Jewish home
-recognition that they’re sharing what God gave them
define Lishkat chashin
-chamber in temple for people to donate to the needy
verse to show importance of Pushkes
“righteous exalts a nation; Sin is a reproach to any people” - Proverbs 14:35
define Gemuilt Hasadim
-means bestowing kindness & written as gemuilt hesed in the Torah
importance of Gemuilt Hasadim
-some believe a jew that does not show kindness is the same as an atheist
-kind actions are a way to manifest concern for other people & imitate kindness God has shown to them
-doing good deed than aiding financially/ materially
how is gemuilt hasade different from tzedakas
tzedakas usually involve giving money
-gemuil hasade is giving one’s self/ doing good deed than aiding financially/ materially
verses to show importance of gemuilt hasade
-‘You shall not bear a grudge against your countrymen. Love your fellow men as yourself - Leviticus 19:18
-“The stranger who resides with you shall be to you as one of your citizens, you shall love him as yourself, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt” - Leviticus 19:34
ways for gemuilt hasade
-BIkkur Holim
-Nichum Avelim
-Hakhnasatt Orchim
-Tikkun Olam
-Social welfare
define BIkkur Holim & importance on gemuilt hasade
-a mitzvot about being there for the sick to tend to their spiritual needs
-relieves isolation & anguish
-traditional texts show how to do this in moderation
define Nichum Avelim & importance on gemuilt hasade
-a mitzvot about comforting mourners & seeing the burial of the deceased
-mourners needs should be immediately provided for & help express their grief