J4 - family and rites of passage Flashcards
define rites of passage
ceremonies after a child is born
define Brit Milah
name of the ceremony which circumcision takes place to fulfil the command of circumcision of Abraham and his desendents
define mohel
professional person who does the circumcision on brit milah
Which 2 verses show the importance of circumcision
-Genesis 17: 11
“You are to undergo circumcision, and it will be the sign of the covenant between Me and you”
-Genesis 17: 13-14
“My covenant in your flesh is to be an everlasting covenant. Any uncircumcised male, who has not been circumcised in the flesh, will be cut off from his people; he has broken my covenant.”
How does the naming ceremony go
-baby is blessed on the first Shabbat after their birth
-father recited Torah blessing
-Girl’s name is announced and get prayer of thanks, Sometimes, they are welcomed with the Zeved Habat ceremony
-same but both parents take part in it
define of Zeved Habat
means gift of the daughter
What is the significance of the naming ceremony
-the baby is formally introduced into the community and God
-It is a celebration of children as a gift from God
How does the Brit Milah go
-when baby is 8 days old, as soon as possible if ill health
-at home or synagogue
-A family member (Sandek) has the baby on their lap and a chair is left empty for Elijah to be present
-baby is passed to the Mohel who has the honoured of role of being the “companion of the child”
-Father says the blessing over wine and the baby is formally named
-there is a celebratory meal
What is the significance of the Brit MIlah
-recalls the covenant made with Abraham in Genesis where God said that the circumcision would “be the sign of the covenant between Me and you”
-lifelong reminder to baby that they are one of God’s chosen people
How does the Redemption of the first born son go
Some Orthodox Jews:
-31 days after first born son’s birth, some money is given to ‘redeem’ him from temple services ( even though the temple no longer exists)
-5 silver coins are given to a Kohen (a descendent of the priests who worked in the temple)
-prayer are said to the child
What is the significance of the Redemption of the first born son
-tradition comes from the command in Numbers 18: 15-16
“But you shall have the firstborn of man redeemed…take as their redemption price…the money equivalent of five shekels”
define Bar Mitzvah
rite of passage for boys which means “Son of the Commandments”
define Bat Mitzvah
rite of passage for girls which means “Daughter of the Commandments”
How does the Bar Mitzvah go
-First Shabbat after their 13 birthday, he read the Torah in the service and wears the Tallit and Tefilin for the first time
-He usually lead part of the service- reading from the Torah, say prayers and make a short speech
-He will prepare and practice his reading in advances as he has to learn Hebrew- can take up to 1 year
-Father thanks God for making son mature and declares he is now responsible for his own actions
-Celebration after meal
How does the Bat Mitzvah go
-service similar to a Bat Mitzvah
-Marked by a family meal and small religious gifts
-she will read a special prayer
-usually celebrations happens at home
5 importance of Bar/ Bat Mitzvah
-Its when a jew becomes an adult in religious terms
-preparing for it brings you closer to God and the community
-It’s when they are expected to strictly follow the Jewish law and be responsible for themselves
-It’s when they chose to accept that they are the chosen people of God
-When Boy is allowed to be part of the Minyan (girls too) and take part in synagogue services. He can wear the Tefillin.
What does the Bar Mitzvah, Bat Mitzvah and Bat Chayill signify
the boy or girl being subjected to Jewish law
define Bat Chayill
rite of passage of girls that do not do the Bat Mitzvah and it means “Woman of Valour”
How does the Bat Chayill go during and after
-It’s a community ceremony but not the same kind of service like a Bar Mitzvah
-She’ll talk about a topic related to Judaism but not read form the Torah
-After ceremony, she is expected to observe Jewish religious rules for women and learn how to keep a good home
why is Bat Chayill different than Bar Mitzvah in Orthodox
-Orthodox Jews interoperate roles of men and women differently
-Girls will not play an active role in the synagogue like boys
what will some orthodox jews do instead of a Bat Mitzvah
Bat Chayill
What is the significance of rites of passage for the child, community and covenant
-Child: stronger faith because they are fully part of the covenant now/ responsible for themselves
-Community: more closer because they prepare for it together/ introducing a new adult in their community
-Covenant: They introduce a new adult who takes full responsibility of themselves
define Kashrut
Dietary laws that restrict what and how Jewish people eat
define Kosher
clean or acceptable
Define Treyfah
unclean or forbidden
Where is the Kashrut found
what did people originally think Kashrut was
-for health and hygiene reasons
-some animals were more valuable than others
Why do orthodox Jews follow the kashrut strictly
-believe the laws come from God
-to test their obedience
-mark Jews as different from others
why do some reform Jews not follow the Kashrut
-they think it’s outdated and should be down to the person if they want to follow or not
What foods are considered kosher
-animals that have split hooves and several stomachs
-birds that are poultry
-fish with fins and scales
-all plants
What food are considered teryfah
-animals with paws and pigs
-birds that hunt
-prawn, muscles, shellfish
Who has to kill the animal
-a Jewish butcher has to kill it
How is an animal killed
-method is believed to be painless- causing pain to living things are against Jewish law
-animal must not see knife- it might upset it
-prayers are said during the killing
what does a Jewish butcher need and what does it do
-hechsher (certificate)
-so people know he kills correctly
which verse talks about why you must kill animals in a certain way
-Deuteronomy 12: 23
“but make sure you do not partake of the blood; for the blood is the life, and you must not consume the life with the flesh”
what are the restriction on meat and dairy
-they cannot be eaten 30 mins of each other
-kept separately during preparation, cooking, eating
verse talks about why you cannot consume diary and meat at the same time
-Exodus 23: 19
“you shall not boil a kid in its mother’s milk”
define marriage
-legal joining of 2 people
-in religious terms- uniting of man and woman. They are elevated to a higher spiritual level before God during the wedding
what do jews believe marriage is for
-to experience holiness in everyday life as it creates a spiritual bond between couples and their souls are fused into one
verse describes the souls being fused into one
-Genesis2: 24
“Hence man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife so they become one flesh”
what are the 2 parts of a marriage
define betrothal (kiddushin)
-when the couples are engaged or promised to each other
-lasts for 1 year
-has a legal statue in Jewish law
-only broken by death or divorce
-do not live together during this time- but prepare for their future lives together
what is done before the wedding
-couple may fast:
-to cleanse themselves sin
-come to the ceremony with the right attitude