J definitions Flashcards
define Synagogue
a Jewish place of worship, means “assembly” in Greek
define Aron Ha Kodesh and its use
-a cupboard in front of the meeting hall, in a wall that faces towards Jerusalem
-the doors are covered by a curtain (parochet)
-2 plaques with the Decalogue, decorated with the first 2 words of each commandment, above the Ark
-keeps Sefer Torah
-During service, parochet are puled back, doors opened, and the Sefer Torah scrolls are carried to the Bimah to be read.
define Sefer Torah
-Torah scrolls
-Handwritten in Hebrew
-Made of Natural materials
-treated with respect and dressed when not in use
define parochet
curtains that cover the Ark
define Rimonim and its importance
-pomegranates were believed to have 613 seed - each for a commandment in the Torah
define Menorah and Hanukkiah and its use
-7 branch lampstand what burns all the time in the temple - Menorah
-some have it, but most don’t - they believe it was originally designed for the temple only
-they have 9 branch lampstand - Hanukkiah- lit during the festival of Hannkkah
define Ner Tamid and its use
-“eternal light”
-lamp that always burns in front of Synagogue
-usually over the doors of the Ark
-represents the Menorah which was permanently lit in the Temple to symbolise the presence of God
define Star of David and its use
-most common Jewish symbols
-called Shield of David - believed to be on the shield of King David
-inside of Synagogue to for decoration / outside to show that its a Jewish place of worship
define Bimah and its use
-reading desk where the Sefer Torah is read
-on a raised platform and in the middle of Synagogue so everyone can hear Torah being read
define Yad and its use
-“hand” - tip is shaped like a pointing hand
-Pointer stick used when the Torah is read so ink is not damaged by greasy and sweaty hands
define Amud / Lectern and its use
-small reading desk to place the Rabbi or Hazzan’s notes on
define Women/s Gallery & its use
-Orthodox Jews will separate men and women during services - so thy concentrate on God and not each other
-Women usually sit upstairs in a Gallery / Balcony or a special section downstairs
-the special section has a barrier called Mechitzah
define Mechitzah
barrier in the special section of the Women’s Gallery
define Rabbi
-Person who teaches the Torah to the congregation
-will often run mid-week classes at the Synagogue and spend a lot of time giving back to the community
define Hazzan
- “cantor / singer”
-Person who leads the prayers and hymns in a Synagogue
define Minyan
-a group of minimum of 10 adult jews who perform prayers
-O - men
-R - men and women
define Shacharit and its importance
-First prayer of the day
-remembers when sacrifices in the Temple were made
-Time when Abraham chose to pray, he wanted to start his day with God
-Helps follow the commandment throughout the day
define Minchah and its importance
-afternoon prayer
-remembers when sacrifices in the Temple were made
-interrupts your day which reminds you how important God is
define Maariv and its importance
-evening prayer
-God is the last thing on their minds before going to sleep
define Tallit and why Jew use it
-a prayer shawl that has tzit tzit at each conner
-reminds Jews to obey God’s words
define Tefillin
2 leather boxes containing the Shema which are worn on the head and upper arm
define kappah
cap worn by Jewish men
define mezuzah
a small ornate box placed on the doorstep of Jewish households and contains verses from the torah
define Mikvah
-women bathe in the Mikvah after childbirth or menstruating - touching blood is impure in Judaism, Jews don’t want to be impure and unclean when worshipping
-Men bathe in the Mikvah before their wedding
-A ceremony is held there when someone converts to Judaism
define Shema
-declaration of faith said at the start of most prayers to remind Jews to only worship god
-most said prayer
-Deuteronomy 6:4-9
-reminder that Jew only pray to God (monotheistic belief)
-used at start of prayers
-3 main periods (Shacharit, MInchah, Maariv)
define Amidah
-a part of Synagogue services which contains 19 blessings & means standing prayer
-standing prayer
-19 blessings: 3 to praise God and ask for mercy, middle 13 for help, last 3 for thanking and praying for peace.
-on weekdays
-Middle 13 is not done during Shabbat because God rests that day.
-can be personal prayers or Hazzan will leave on behalf of congregation
define Kaddish
-a part of Synagogue services
means doxology
-hymn of praise to God
-end of main section on Shabbat
-in Aramaic
-closing prayer
define Aleinu
-a part of Synagogue services
means upon us
-focus on duty to praise God and hope that he will be worshipped by all
-closing prayer
define Tenakh
written law which contains the Torah, Nevi’ im & Ketuvim
define Torah
-5 books of Moses which form the basis of Jewish law
-includes Genesis, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Exodus
define Nevi’ im
-8 prophetic books that continue to trace Jewish history and expand the laws on the Torah
-2 parts:
-former prophets: Joshua, Judge, Samuel 1 & 2, Kings 1 & 2
-Latter prophets: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, book containing 1 prophetic texts
-Prophetic texts- eg, Hosea, Amos, Micah
define Ketuvim
-11 books that contain poetry, stories, advise and historical accounts
-contains: Psalms, Proverbs, Job, Daniel, The five scrolls
-The five scrolls, Songs of Songs, Ruth, Esther, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes
define Talmud
-the Oral Law contains teachings on how to interpret Torah and how to apply it which were passed down from generations
-main parts from Palestine and Babylonia 1200 & 500 CE
define Mishnah
-doc containing text from the Oral Law from late 4th century to early 5th century CE
-has 6 sections
define Seder
name of each of the 6 sections in the Mishnah
define Gemare
-discussions on the Mishnah written down after 500 CE
define Shekinah
Divine presence of God on earth
define Tabernacle
portable temple with the Shekinah that Jews carried around
define promised land
land of Canaan God promised to Abraham and his descendents