Italy Booklet 2 Flashcards
What remained after the 1848 revolutions?
The Statuto
Why was the effects of the Statuto limited?
Of the 2 parliamentary chambers the upper chamber was appointed by the king and the lower chamber only represented 2.25% of the population who were literate
How many refugees came into Turin and Genoa in the 1850s?
Who succeeded Charles Albert in 1849?
Victor Emmanuel II
Why were Mazzini’s ideas limited?
Liberals deemed him as dangerous
Rich people disliked him
His ideas appealed to limited social classes
What did the Pope do in 1849?
Excommunicated all who tried to reduce the temporal power of the papacy
What is excommunication?
Explulsion from the Catholic church
How many French troops were now supporting the Pope in Rome?
Who was appointed Prime Minister in 1849?
Massimo d’Azeglio
What were the Siccardi Laws and when were they brought in?
The Siccardi laws controlled the power of the Church, and brought in, in March 1850
What are some examples of the Siccardi Laws?
The right for criminals to seek sanctuary and protection in churches was abolished
he separate law courts for priests were abolished stating “all justice comes from the king”
Religious groups property rights were restricted
Which Piedmontese churchman ignored these laws and what happened to him?
Archbishop Fransoni, he was imprisoned
What was the Connubio and when was it?
A parliamentary agreement created by Cavour with the leader of the centre-left, 1852
What did the Connubio do?
The connubio weakened Azeglio’s government
What happened in November 1852?
Cavour asked Victor Emmanuel II to make him Prime Minister, he accepted
When did Cavour decide to attack the wealth of the church and their estates?
How much did the state give the church per year?
5 million lire
How many monasteries and benefices were suppressed and how much did this add to state income?
152 monasteries, 1700 benefices, which added £145,640 to state income
How did Cavour betray Mazzini in 1853?
He warned Austria of the Mazzian-Inspired insurrenction in Milan
Which roles did Cavour appoint himself at?
Prime Minister, Foreign Minister and Finance Minister
What did Cavour do for reforms?
Introduced a string of administrative reforms in 1852
Introduced financial reforms in 1852
Introduced reforms in the foreign office in 1853
Who did Cavour use to reform the army?
La Marmora
What linked Turin and Paris in 1853 that was setup by Cavour?
The electric telegraph
What began in 1857?
Building of canals, and the construction of the Cavour canal
Which industry thrived in Piedmont?
The textile industry, due to a lack of coal in northern Italy
How many silk and cotton workers were then in Piedmont in 1844?
60,000 silk workers and 114,000 cotton workers
By 1859, how much had the public debt risen to?
120 million Lire in 1847 to 725 million Lire in 1859
Which countries had Cavour set up free trade agreements with?
Britain, France and Belgium
Which country provided the majority of foreign investment?
What did the Rothschild family provide?
Finances for the Mount Cenis tunnel in 1857
Which line was built in 1854?
The line to link Milan, Turin and Genoa and the French Border
When was Italy’s first steam ship built?
The “Sicilia” was build in 1855
By the end of the 1850s how many km of railway did Piedmont have?
819km compared to the rest of the whole of Italy which has 1798km
How long was the Mount Cenis tunnel?
13km, built in 1857
Which economic alliance excluded Austria and weakened them?
When did Piedmont send troops to Crimea?
January 1855
How many Piedmontese troops were sent to Crimea?
How many deaths did the Italians face in the Crimean war?
2000, but only 30 of wounds, the rest of Cholera
What was the main point of discussion at the Congress of Paris?
The Italian Question