Germany Booklet 3 Flashcards
When was Hitler appointed Chancellor?
30th January 1933
When was the Reichstag fire?
27th February 1933
When was the Enabling Act?
24th March 1933
What was the Enabling Act?
Gave emergency powers to the Nazi government for four years, the cabinet could pass decrees whenever it wanted, passed by 441 to 94 votes, the SPD voted against it
When was the Enabling Act renewed?
When was the boycott of Jewish shops?
1st April 1933
When was the Law for Restoration of Professional Civil Service?
7th April 1933
What was the Law for Restoration of Professional Civil Service?
Administration, courts, schools and universities were purged of ‘alien’ elements i.e. Jews, (only 5% removed)
When was the DAF formed?
2nd May 1933, after all trade union officers were seized and incorporated into the DAF
When was the ‘Employment Law’?
June 1933
What was the Employment Law?
A major public works scheme, such as the R.A.D.
When was the Law against the formation of new parties?
14th July 1933
What was the Law against the formation of new parties?
Banned the creation of new parties, making Germany a one-party state
When was the Concordat agreement?
20th July 1933
What was the Concordat agreement?
Agreement between Church and state:
Church banned from political activity and government to protect religious freedom
When was the Reichstag dissolved?
14th October 1933
What % of the vote did Nazi candidates win in the Reichstag on the 12th November 1933?
When was the Law for the Reconstruction of the State?
30th January 1934
What was the Law for the Reconstruction of the State?
Elected State Assemblies were dissolves
Nazi Gauleiters created to run states
When was the Night of the Long Knives?
30th June 1934
When did Hindenburg die?
2nd August 1934
What happened after Hindenburg died?
Hitler became head of state
Which 3 Nazis were part of the original cross-party cabinet?
Adolf Hitler, Wilhelm Frick and Hermann Goring
How much were the Nazis polling in Berlin?
How much were the Nazis polling in the whole of Germany?
From 1934, who did Hitler give more political power and influence to?
Rudolf Hess, the Fuhrer’s Deputy for Party Affairs and his Chief of Staff, Martin Bormann
When did Hitler call for new elections?
Within 24 hours after being appointed Chancellor, on the 5th March 1933
Why did Hitler want new elections?
To increase the Nazi vote and enhance his own status
How many new police did Goring enroll?
How many industrialists promised to give how much to the Nazis in support of their new election campaign?
20 industrialists promised 3 million Reichsmarks
Who was blamed for the Reichstag fire?
A Dutch communist called Marinus van der Lubbe
What was drawn up the day after the Reichstag fire?
The ‘Decree for the Protection of the People and State’ which suspended most civil and political liberties and strengthened the power of central government
How much did the Nazi vote increase to after the Reichstag fire?
33.1% to 43.9%, securing 288 seats
What did Hitler need to make changes to the constitution?
A two-thirds majority in the Reichstag
What was threatening to destroy Hitler’s veneer of legality?
The momentum built up in the lower ranks of the party (including the SA) who were impatiently taking the law into their own hands and it gave the impression of a revolution from below
How did Hitler deceive Hindenburg and the German elites on Potsdam day?
Bowing in front of Hindenburg
Made a speech of impressive moderation
Showed the elites that he had control over the more radical elements in the Nazi movements
Which party did Hitler need to support him so he could pass his Enabling Act?
The Z Party
How did Hitler gain the support of the Z Party for his Enabling Act?
Hitler promised to protect the rights of the Catholic Church and to uphold moral and religious values
How many votes was the Enabling Act passed by?
444 to 94
How many members did Socialist trade unions have before they were all joined into the DAF?
4 Million
How did the Nazis get the people to support the Nazis?
They made supporting the Nazis beneficial and made participating in Nazi groups a part of everyday life
How many SPD members were tortured during Kopenick blood week and how many died?
500 tortured, 23 died
Which party was absorbed into the Nazi Party during Kopenick blood week?
How long after the Enabling Act until all political opposition was banned?
4 months
How many were in the DAF and who led it?
22 million members and Robert Ley led it
What is the German word for Coordination (By the Nazis of Germany)
When were the SS formed and what for?
1925, as an elite bodyguard unit for Hitler
How many members did the SS have in 1929?
By 1933, how many SS members were there?
What did Himmler create in 1931?
The SD, which acted as the party’s own internal security police
When did Himmler assume control of all police in the Lander, and the Gestapo in Prussia?
How many members did the SS grow to in 1939?
How was the SS used in the military?
It had grown from 3 divisions in 1939 to 35 by 1945, which had basically developed into a second army
How many firms had the SS created for the occupied lands in Eastern Europe and what for?
150 firms, to exploit slave labour to extract raw materials and produce goods for war and textiles
How many Gestapo officials were there to cover the 1 million people living in Wurzburg?
How many of the reports in Wurzburg came from the general population?
How many Gestapo agents for the whole of Germany?
Between 1933-45 how many people were detained for resistance?
Between 1933-39 how many were sentenced by the courts to how many years’ imprisonment for political offences?
225,000 people to a total of 600,000 years imprisonment
Between 1933-45 how many people were ‘legally’ executed?
Overall, what % of investigations stemmed from voluntary denunciations?
50% and in some places, 80%
What impact did the DAF have?
Industrial pay packets went up 18% under the third Reich compared to 15.5% under Weimar Germany
By 1939, 35,000 out of 25 million were unemployed
The average wage in 1936 was 35 marks a week
How much did wages increase annually under the Nazis?
In 1938, how many took KdF holidays?
Over 10 million
How much did it cost to subscribe to the Volkswagen scheme?
5 marks a week
What was the limitation of the Volkswagen scheme?
By 1939 no workers had received a car and they’d switched to war production
From 1936, how many had attended the DAF vocational training courses?
2.5 million
When was labour service made compulsory in Germany?
June 1935
For what ages was the labour service compulsory?
19 to 25
Which organisation led the labour service?
Reich Labour Service (RAD)
Who did Hitler target on the Night of the Long Knives?
His SA
What was the impact of the Night of the Long Knives?
The military appreciated the destruction of the SA
Destroyed any potential threat of the Conservative-right to Hitler
Allowed Hitler to become President without any opposition
How much was spent of the Olympic Stadium in Berlin?
42 Million Reichsmarks
What % of radio staff were sacked on racial grounds?
In 1939 how many Germans had radios compared to 1932?
1932: Less than 25% of Germans
1939: 70% of Germans
How many daily newspapers did Germany have when the Nazis took over?
What was the Nazi publishing house called?
Eher Verlag
How much of the German press did Eher Verlag controll by 1939?
What did the Editor Law of October 1933 do?
Made newspaper content the responsibility of the editor who had to meet strict guidelines
How many readers did the Volkisher Beobachter have by 1944?
1.7 million
How many Nazi films were made from 1933-45?
What are some famous Nazi films?
The Eternal Jew, The adventures of Baron von Munchhausen
What did the Reich Chancellery do?
Was responsible for coordinating the government, became increasingly more important as the role of the cabinet declined
Why did cabinet meetings become pointless?
Following the Enabling Act, all the decision making was subservient to Hitler’s authority
How many times did the cabinet meet in 1933 compared to 1935?
1933: 72
1935: 12
What did Hitler change of the SA in February 1933?
He declared that only the army could carry guns, and not members of the SA
What did Hitler do to the SA in January 1934?
He demanded that they limit their political agitation activities, which pleased the military leaders
What was a major contributing factor to the night of the long knives?
The army’s concerns about the unruly and violent SA
When was conscription introduced?
How many communists were sent to Dachau concentration camp after the Reichstag fire?
Why did Hjalmar Schacht resign?
After Schacht had brought Germany out of the Great Depression from the Wall St Crash, Hitler appointed Goring and his Plenipotentiary of the Four Year Plan in 1936, which annoyed Schacht
What was the Volksgemeinschaft?
The idea of overcoming the old German divisions of class, religion and politics and bringing about a collective national identity by encouraging people to work together but on the Nazi ideas of race and struggle
When was the Hitler Youth created and when was it rapidly expanded?
Created in 1926 and rapidly expanded from 1933 ondwards
How many children were born from State-Sponsored brothels in 1935-44?
What was the NSV?
NSV: National Socialist People’s Welfare
What did the NSV do in 1934?
In 1 month they provided
25,800 litres of milk for babies
1500 grocery parcels
172 sets of baby clothes
How many marriages in 1932 and 1934?
1932: 516,000
1934: 740,000
What was the NSLB?
National Socialist Teachers’ League:
Established to change what the teachers would teach so spread Nazism
By 1937, what % of teachers were in the NSLB?
97% and 2/3 of the teaching profession had been on special one-month long courses on Nazi ideology
What % of those ages 10-18 were members of Hitler Youth movements in 1934 and 1938?
1934: 3,500,000 or 46.5%
1938: 7,100,000 or 77.2%
What methods did they use to militarise the Hitler Youth?
Military Drills
Making them want to become Soldiers
How did Industrial workers benefit under the Nazis?
Creating of the DAF
KdF providing holidays and benefits to workers
How did Peasants and small farmers benefit under the Nazis?
Promised financial aid by the Nazis
Farm debts were written off and small farmers were given low interest rates
How did Landowners benefit under the Nazis?
They didn’t redistribute the rich’s land
Got cheap land in Eastern Europe after the invasion of Russia
How did the Mittelstand benefit under the Nazis?
Money taken from Jewish businesses was used to offer lower interest rates
New regulations to protect craftsmen
Law to protect retail trade banned Jews opening new stores
How did Big businesses benefit under the Nazis?
The value of German industry increased greatly
Annexations from 1938 onwards provided opportunities for business expansion
By 1944, how long was the average working week?
60 hours
What happened on Kristallnacht?
Jewish homes were destroyed
100 Jews were killed and 20,000 deported to concentration camps
When was Kristallnacht?
9th November 1938
What are some examples of the Nuremberg laws?
Jews were no longer German Citizens
Jews couldn’t display a German flag
Jews were classed as anyone with three Jewish grandparents
It was illegal for Germans and Jews to be married or have sex
What happened to Austrian Jews after the Anchluss?
200,000 Jews were attacked and repressed in the following months
Who was Hitler’s secretary?
Name 3 organisations controlled by Himmler
SS, Waffen SS, Kripo, Gestapo, SD
Which award could women win for having children?
Mothers’ Cross
How much was the marriage loan?