Issues and Debates L1 - 3 Flashcards
Gender bias:
Differential treatment of males and females, based on stereotypes rather than real differences
Alpha bias:
Studies that exaggerate differences between males and females
Beta bias:
Studies that minimise differences between males and females
Theories centred on males, consciously or unconsciously
Some behaviours are same for both genders and therefore should be applied to both
Which psychologists argued for the existence of two types of bias and what are these?
- Hare-Mustin and Marecek (1988)
- Alpha bias
- Beta bias
Examples of alpha bias research:
- Psychodynamic approach –> Freud
- Evolutionary approach
How is Freud’s research alpha-biased?
- He argues that since girls have weaker superegos (morally weaker) than boys
- Because they do not suffer the same oedipal conflict as boys, hence they do not identify as strongly with their mother as boys do with their father
How is the evolutionary approach alpha-biased?
- Suggests promiscuity in men is normal but abnormal in women
- Evolutionary processes explain why men are more likely to commit adultery, tend to be dominant etc
Why is it that beta bias sometimes occurs?
Often, although there are male and female pps, there is no attempt to analyse the data in terms of sex differences
Examples of beta bias research:
- Animal research –> Taylor et al (2000)
- Moral development –> Kohlberg
- Zimbardo (1973)
How is some animal research beta biased?
- Male animals are often used for research into fight and flight because they have fewer variations in hormones
- Taylor et al (2000) challenged this view by showing that females produce a tend and befriend response
How is research into moral development beta biased?
- Kohlberg’s stage theory of development was based on extensive interviews conducted w/ boys [beta bias]
- Gilligan (1982) found women tended to focus more on relationships when making decisions, therefore were at a lower level of reasoning
How is Zimbardo (1973) research beta biased?
Only used male students as it was assumed that females would react the same way to prison life
Give one example of research that shows anderocentrism:
- Brescoll and Uhlmann (2008)
- Way in which a woman’s behaviour is interpreted eg if they get angry
Strengths and weaknesses of gender bias: (+3, -5)
+ Greater understanding of gender bias –> Cornwell et al (2013)
+ Universal
- Often goes unchallenged –> Darwin
- Presented as fixed and enduring –> Maccoby and Jacklin (1974), Joel et al (2015)
- Promotes institutional sexism –> Murphy et al (2014), Rosenthal (1966)
- Works against males and females
How is Darwin’s research an example of an unchallenged theory?
- Darwin’s theory suggests that women are selective in terms of mate selection
- Only recently been challenged by DNA evidence suggesting that women are equally as competitive as men when need arises
Maccoby and Jacklin (1974):
- Concluded that girls have superior verbal ability wheras boys have better spatial ability
- Suggested that these differences were hardwired into brain before birth, when they may have just been based on stereotypes
Joel et al (2015):
- Used brain scanning
- Found no sex differences in brain structure or processing
Murphy et al (2014):
- Despite ther being more female undergrads studying psychology, most lecturers tend to be men
- Means that research is likely to be conducted by men, which may disadvanatge females