Issues and Debates Flashcards
the first psychologist to use the terms ideographic and nomothetic, argued that only by knowing a person as a person can we make predictions about what they will do in given circumstances
male-orientated, where females are not included in studies or theories
Alpha Bias (Culture)
where research maximises the difference between cultures in order to argue that some cultures are superior to other cultures
Alpha Bias (Gender)
theories that maximise sex differences, like Freud
Anthropological Approach
going to different cultures and observing and interacting with their members as they go about their lives to gain understanding
Berry (1969)
argues that research should be conducted in meaningful contexts and use researchers local to the culture being studied in order to reduce imposed etic
Beta Bias (Culture)
theories that ignore or minimise the differences between cultures
Beta Bias (Gender)
theories that ignore or minimise sex differences
leaning in a particular direction, a systematic distortion in one’s attitude and beliefs based on prejudice and pre-existing ideas
Biological Determinism
all behaviour can be explained through neurochemical, neurophysiological, genetic or evolutionary means
Bruehl (1980)
stated that Freud’s characterisation of females simply reflected the reality of Western patriarchal structure of the time
Carolin Schuster (2022)
went to various HR specialists with two CVs identical apart from the person’s gender and found that men were offered over €1000 more than women, unless the specialists were reminded of their duty to resolve the gender pay gap first, where the opposite became true
Chitling Test
developed by black sociologist Adrian Dove to expose how standardised IQ tests favoured white students however it neglected the range of experiences black people have
Chomsky (1968)
maintained that language acquisition is the result of innate cognitive structures and biologically based inborn brain mechanisms and children are predisposed to make sounds and understand grammar
Cochrane and Sashidharan
examined diagnosis rates of schizophrenia in the UK and found that those of African-Caribbean origin were seven times more likely to be diagnosed despite rates of schizophrenia in the Caribbean, they are no higher than the UK
Cornwell et al (2013)
found that girls outperform boys on reading, whereas boys outperform girls on maths and science, but that boys who perform equally to girls are graded less favourably, but this vanishes when non-cognitive skills such as motivation and perseverance are taken into account
Cross-Cultural Psychology
studying a range of different cultures to find out about the variability of human behaviour
a set of norms, moral values, behavioural norms, social roles, customs and traditions of a group of people
Culture Bias
the act of interpreting and judging behaviour and psychological characteristics of one culture by holding them to the same standards as your own
Culture-Bound Syndrome
a combination of psychiatric and somatic symptoms that is limited to a number of cultures
Cyril Burt
used studies of identical twins to prove that intelligence was genetic, but falsified his research data
the theory that there is a reason for all behaviour
Biological Determinism
the idea that everything can be explained by biology
Environmental Determinism
the idea that everything can be explained by a person’s environment
Environmental Reductionism
all behaviour can be explained through stimulus responses to the environment
Hard Determinism
states that no action or behaviour is free, but occurs because it has to, and every human behaviour has a cause where one action is performed rather than an other
Psychic Determinism
the idea that everything can be explained by a person’s unconscious thoughts
Soft Determinism
argues that behaviour is a direct result of the environment but only to a certain extent, element o free will in all behaviour yet it is controlled by outside forces, so behaviour is constricted to a certain extent
EMIC Research
aims to identify behaviours relative to that culture, emphasising difference
Ethical Committees
can be used to assess whether a research proposal is ethical or not. Research can pass the committee despite breaking guidelines if the theory, findings or wider moral implications are important
the belief that one’s own culture is superior
ETIC Research
culture specific research that looks at behaviour from the outside of a given culture and tries to find trends that can be generalised
Experiment-Based Empiricism
an emphasis on experiments with controls and group comparisons using ANOV analyses exists in Western society and lab studies are favoured over field studies
when something can be disproved
Feminist Psychology
involves re-examining facts about gender, viewing women as normal people rather than deficient men, scepticism toward biological determinism, a research agenda focusing on women’s concerns and developing a psychology for women rather than of women
Formulation of Question Bias
it is assumed that topics relevant to white males are more important than those relevant to females or ethnic minority males
Free Will
the ability to make a choice between certain behaviours giving a sense of personal responsibility and fitting in with society’s view of personal responsibilities; the legal system is based on the idea of holding people accountable for their actions and free will implies behaviour is random and does not have a cause so therefore cannot be predicted
psychological characteristics associated with being male or female
Gottesman and Shields (1995)
carried out a comprehensive review of twin and adoption studies to investigate the cause of schizophrenia
Hadow Report (1926)
based on Cyril Burt’s research, this led to the creation of the tripartite education system and the 11+
Hamer (1993)
carried out genetic studies of gay man and suggested homosexuality is heavily influenced by genetics and that people have no choice about being gay, environmental influences make little difference and it probably evolved because of social advantages it gave to social groups
Hare-Mustin and Maracek (1988)
theorised that alpha bias, is seen in research that focuses on the differences between of men and women and beta is seen in research that focuses on similarities
Hare-Mustin and Maracek (1988) (Gilligan)
argue that Gilligan explains gender difference in terms of social construction whereby female caringness is a necessary trait for those placed in subordinate positions in order to supress their anger, so female qualities can be seen as different rather than inferior, yet this does not consider difference between women so is a misrepresentation of individuals
found that 68% of participants came from the US and 69% from industrialised nations
an idea seen in the humanist approach where you look at the whole person
Horney (1927)
stated that Freud’s work has no face validity in assuming that a woman is mentally affected by a wish for male attributes and that if women envied men, it would be because of social status
Humphreys (1970)
carried out research into the practices and social interactions of gay men meeting up in a public toilet for sex by posing as a gay man and then taking their number plates and running background checks on them on the PNC. He concluded that most stereotypes about gay men were untrue and their sexual practices were not harmful to anyone
Ideographic Approach
suggests everyone is unique so should be studied in an individual way, so no general laws can be generated. Tests use qualitative data and investigate people’ private, subjective and conscious experiences in a personal and detailed way. Methods include case studies, unstructured interviews, self-reports, personal documents and autobiographies
where the individual is the focus of behaviour and determinants of behaviour reside in the individual’s brain/mind and interventions must be at this level rather than the broader societal context, an assumption of Western psychology
Institutional Sexism
men predominate at senior researcher level so the research agenda follows male concerns, marginalising or ignoring female concerns
Interactionist Debate
states that behaviour is often the result of interaction between nature and nurture