ISM Flashcards
What is ISM?
International Management Code, for Safe Operation of Ships and Pollution Prevention
What is the SMS?
A Structured and Documented System which allows company personnel to effectively implement the Safety and Environmental Protection Policy
What are the functional requirements of the SMS?
1) A Safety and Environmental Protection Policy
2) Instructions and procedures to ensure safe operation of Ships and protection of the Environment - complying with international and flag state legislation.
3) Defined levels of authority and lines of communication between ship and shore personnel.
4) Procedures for reporting accidents and non conformities.
5) Procedures to prepare for and respond to emergencies.
6) Procedures for internal Audits and Mgmt reviews.
Masters responsibility as per ISM?
1) Implement the safety and environmental protection policy.
2) Motivate the crew in the observance of the Policy
3) Issue appropriate orders and instructions in a clear and simple manner.
4) Verifying specified requirements are observed.
5) Periodical reviews of the SMS and report deficiency to shore based mgmt
What is the DPA?
A person who is the link between Ship and Shore who has direct access to the Highest Level of Management.
Can the master be Safety Officer?
Although not prohibited, it is not advised as it has to be someone who makes recommendations on Safety to the Master.
How can ISM code be described in brief?
Say what you do (Procedures and instructions in SMS)
Do what you say (Comply with the SMS)
Be able to prove it (by means of evidence - check lists, drill record, answers to auditors questions)
Who creates the SMS and who approves it?
Created by the Company, approved by Flag(or, RO).
Where does does it mention Masters Authority?
The SMS should have a clear statement emphasizing the Master Authority.
What is a Major Non-Conformity?
A deviation from the SMS that poses a threat to personnel, environment or the ship.
ie Fire alarm system failure /or/ a missing life raft.
What is a Non Conformity?
A Non Fulfillment of a Specified Requirement.
ie SMS requires a C/L to be filled /or/ A weekly drill to be carried out
What is Critical Equipment?
It is equipment the failure of which may result in a Hazardous Situation.
What is said about Masters Overriding Authority?
ISM Code: The Master has overriding authority and responsibility to make decisions with respect to safety and pollution prevention and to request company’s assistance as may be necessary.
What is the Purpose of the ISM code
To provide an international standard for the safe management and operation of ships. To prevent damage to ships, people or the environment. PEP (People Environment Property)
How would you motivate the Crew as Master?
Lead by example
Have regular Safety Meetings
Show them Safety Videos
Organise a Safety Quiz
Set up a near miss box
Set up a safety board in a prominent area.
Put on the Safety Board days since last accident onboard
How is a DoC and SMC first issued to a new ship / company?
Interim DoC issued to Company for 12months.
Interim SMC issued to Ship for 6 months.
0-3 months no inspection from Flag.
3-6 months Flag carried out Initial Audit.
Within the period if the ship is complying with the requirements of the code the initial SMC will be issued.
In addition to ISM, this system also applied to MLC and ISPS.
Full term ISM, MLC and ISPS are valid for 5yrs subject to Intermediate Verification.
When can you as master deviate from the SMS? (use your “Overriding Authority”)
In any situation you should follow your SMS, but if it is found that when following your SMS, it puts PEOPLE, ENVIRONMENT or PROPERTY in danger, you can use your over riding authority to deviate from the SMS.
What is an Observation?
An observation is a scope of improvement which the surveyor suggests at the end of a survey, audit or inspection.
eg, Sounding pipes should be hammer tight not hand tight. (It is not a black mark and doesn’t stop your ship from sailing)