Conventions Flashcards
What is a convention?
A convention is a written treaty between two or more nations states that is binding in international law.
Name the 4 Pillars of IMO
Name all other conventions?
Loadline Convention Tonnage Convention COLREGS FAL SAR Ballast Water Mgmt Convention Athens Convention
Who is responsible for enforcing IMO conventions?
Flag state are primarily responsible for enforcing on their own ships.
Port state act as a back up to ensure these conventions are enforced correctly.
Brief Description of BWMC?
Came into force 2017. (all ships ships to comply by 1st renewal of IOPP from Sept 2017)
Requires a BWM certificate.
BWM Plan.
Ballast water record book.
Cert Valid for 5yrs. Subject to Annual and Intermediate.
If not yet certified; D1 Method: Currently Ballast Water exchange is Still allowed: 200nm from land and 200 deep or 50nm from land and 200 deep IN good weather - during Day Light hours Empty Refil or flow through 200% (If vsl allows)
If certified D2 method:
Type approved Ballast water Treatment Plant.
Ultra Violet, Filtration, Chlorination
Purpose of FAL Convention?
To avoid unnecessary delays in Maritime Traffic.
What standard forms does FAL require?
Cargo declaration Crew declaration Stores declaration Passenger List declaration Crew Effects declaration Dangerous Goods declaration General declaration
What is the SAR Convention?
Sets out guidelines for coastal states to follow with regards Search and Rescue Operations?
What Manual Resulted from SAR Convention?
IAMSAR. International aeronautical and maritime search and rescue manual. Vol III carried onboard.
What is the Athens convention?
Related to carriage or Passengers and Luggage by Sea. Limits liability for loss of Luggage. Also the burden of proving death or injury to a passenger lies with the Claimant.
Where does it mention Masters Over Riding Authority?
SOLAS Ch5 Reg 34.1