IPC Flashcards
Name 2 HAIs
C. difficile and MRSA
What are signs and symptoms of infection?
Fever Chills Redness Pain Puss Vomiting and diarrhoea
What are the 6 links in the chain of infection?
Infectious Agent Reservoir Portal of Exit Mode of Transmission Portal of Entry Susceptible Host
What should you do before performing hand hygiene?
Expose forearms
Remove all hand/wrist jewellery
Ensure nails are clean, short and artificial nails are not worn
Cover all cuts or abrasions with a waterproof dressing
When should hand hygiene be performed?
Before touching a patient Before clean/a sceptic procedures After body fluid exposure risk After touching a patient After touching a patient’s immediate surroundings
When should hands be washed with non-antimicrobial liquid soap and water specifically?
If hands are visible soiled or dirty
Caring for patients with vomiting or diarrhoea illness
Casting for a patient with a suspected or known GI infection eg - norovirus or C. difficile
When should a disposable tissue be used in cough hygiene?
Cover nose sand mouth when sneezing, wiping and blowing the nose
Dispose into a waste bin
What should be used for sneezing in the absence of a disposable tissue?
Your elbow/sleeve
What should be done after dealing with a blood/bodily fluid spillage?
Wash area with disposable paper towels and a solution of general purpose detergent and warm water
Dry area or allow to air dry
Discard paper towels and disposable PPE into a healthcare waste bag
Perform hand hygiene
What is healthcare waste?
Produced as a direct result of healthcare activities eg - soiled dressings, sharps
What is special or hazardous waste?
Arises from the delivery of healthcare in both clinical and non-clinical settings
Contains dangerous and hazardous substances eg - chemicals and pharmaceuticals
What is domestic waste?
Segregated into:
Dry recyclates - glass, paper and plastics, metals, cardboard
Residual waste - any other domestic waste that cannot be recycled
What goes in the black waste stream?
Domestic waste
What goes in the orange waste stream?
Low risk clinical waste eg - soiled dressings
What goes in the blue waste stream?
Medicinal waste
What goes in the red waste stream?
Chemical waste eg - amalgam
What is an occupational exposure?
A percutaneous or mucotaneous exposure to blood or other bodily fluids
What is a significant occupational exposure?
A percutaneous or mucotaneous exposure to blood or other body fluids from a source that is known or found to be positive for a BBV
What is the first step of managing a blood and bodily fluid spillage?
Cordon off the spillage:
Put up a wet floor sign
If none, stay beside spillage to protect it
Never touch spillage without PPE
What is the second step of handling a blood and bodily fluid spillage?
Assess type of spillage:
Is spillage on soft furnishing or a hard surface
Is it blood or a bodily fluid
How should a blood spillage be handled?
Pour chlorine releasing granules or solution of 10,000ppm chlorine on the spillage
Name 2 chlorine releasing granules
Sodium hypochlorite
How should a urine spillage be handled?
Use disposable paper towels and a non-chlorine releasing gelling agent to absorb the spill
Apply a chlorine releasing agent of 1,000ppm to decontaminate
Why shouldn’t a chlorine agent be applied directly to a urine spillage?
It will react and produce toxic chlorine gas
How should a spillage of vomit/faeces/sputum be handled?
Use disposable paper towels
Apply a chlorine releasing agent of 1,000ppm chlorine
What are the different Spaulding classifications?
Minimal risk
Non-Critical (Low risk)
Semi-Critical (Medium risk)
Critical (High risk)
Describe the minimal risk Spaulding classification
Items not normally in contact with intact skin
Eg - dental chair
Describe the non-critical Spaulding classification
Items in contact with intact skin
Eg - light cure, blood pressure cuff
Describe the semi-critical Spaulding classification
Items in contact with intact mucous membranes
Eg - dental handpieces, dental mirrors
Describe the critical Spaulding classification
Items in contact with normally sterile body sites
Eg - forceps, scalpal, perio, scaler, dental burs
How should a needle and syringe be disposed?
If contains no medicinal product then orange lidded sharps box
If contains some medicinal product then blue lidded sharps box
How should a soiled dressing be disposed?
Contaminated with blood/bodily fluids so orange waste bag
How should a tooth be disposed?
Red lidded bin - amalgam or no amalgam doesn’t matter
How should PPE be disposed?
Orange waste stream bag
Give examples of good practice for waste disposal bags
No more than 3/4 full of 4kg
Locate close to point of use
Don’t use for sharp objects
Never remove items
Give examples of good practice for waste disposal containers
Don’t fill above fill line (3/4) Locate close to point of use Never reopen sealed containers Never remove items after disposal Out of reach of children