This class was created by Brainscape user David Jack. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (24)

Handpiece Safety
How fast does the bur rotate,
What happens to the components of...,
Who s obligation is it to ensure ...
9  cards
What does drs abc stand for,
Describe danger in drs abc,
How is response handled in drs abc
14  cards
Hand Instruments
What are them main types of hand ...,
What are the basic parts of a han...,
What are mirrors used for
19  cards
Cavity Nomenclature
What are cavity margins,
What are cavosurface margin angles,
What is an acceptable cavosurface...
10  cards
Cranial Growth and Ageing
How may the centres of ossificati...,
When do the centres of ossificati...,
What is the sphenoid occipital sy...
30  cards
Describe the mini sickle,
Describe the colombia curette,
Describe the gracey curette 1 2
40  cards
Tooth Eruption
When should all deciduous teeth b...,
What is the general rule for deci...,
What is the sequence of eruption ...
22  cards
Comparison Of Deciduous and Permanent Dentition
How do deciduous crowns of centra...,
How do the crowns of primary mola...,
How does colour differ between pr...
14  cards
Oral Landmarks
What is the maxillary tuberosity,
What is the hamular notch,
What is the palatine fovea and wh...
42  cards
Assembling a Syringe
What type of syringe is used in gdh,
What should be checked before ass...,
What is step 1 of assembling a sy...
11  cards
Local Anaesthetic
Describe the structure of local a...,
Describe the different chemical f...,
What are local anaesthetic prepar...
14  cards
Trauma Splint
When is a trauma splint required,
How long is a trauma splint used for,
What should parents and teachers ...
7  cards
Primary Tooth Morphology
Describe the roots of the upper r...,
How many cusps does an upper firs...,
Describe the cusps of an upper ri...
11  cards
Why is surveying carried out,
What are guide planes,
What is a path of insertion
11  cards
RPD Design
What is support,
What can be used for support,
What is direct retention
25  cards
RPD Prescription
What is the first clinical stage ...,
What is the first lab stage of rp...,
What happens prior to the 2nd cli...
14  cards
Medical History Taking
What should be taken under presen...,
When can socrates be used,
What does the first s in socrates...
25  cards
What are the different indication...,
Identify the upper universal forceps,
Identify the left upper molar for...
15  cards
What is the smear layer,
Describe self etch,
Describe total etch
47  cards
Name 2 hais,
What are signs and symptoms of in...,
What are the 6 links in the chain...
36  cards
What does an anterior tooth look ...,
What does a posterior tooth look ...,
How is a sound tooth charted
78  cards
Medical Emergencies
Which drugs are found in a dental...,
When should adrenaline be used,
When should a salbutamol inhaler ...
15  cards
Impression Materials
What can ims be split into,
Give examples of rigid ims,
What are the different types of e...
13  cards
What is mih,
What teeth does mih affect,
What are the treatment options fo...
31  cards

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bds 2 osce

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