Invertebrates: Phylum Cnidaria General-(EXAM 2) Flashcards
General Characteristics of Invertebrates
animals that lack a backbone (Vertical Column)
aquatic invertebrates
ex) insects, crustaceans, snails, worms
inhabit river channels, ponds, lakes, wetlands or ocean
their abundance and diversity have been used as an indicator of ecosystem health and local biodiversity
Benthic Invertebrates
play integral part in nutrient decomposition and cycling through riparian systems
Phylum Cnidaria
ex) jellies, anemones and coral
about 9000 species
have radial symmetry
Radial symmetry (Cnidaria)
body design arranged around a central axis
Morphology (Cnidaria)
Polyps: sessile form (attached to substrate)- they float/drift before they settle down (Ex. Jellies begin as polyps)
Medusa: floating or free swimming form
Gastrovascular Cavity (Cnidaria)
digestion occurs here
Incomplete digestive system= single opening that serves as the mouth and anus
Incomplete digestive system
Single opening that serves as the mouth and anus
Tentacles (Cnidaria)
extendable projections around the mouth that aid in capturing food
Nematocysts (Cnidaria)
stinging cells that immobilize (paralyze) prey items
Exoskeleton or Endoskeleton (Cnidaria)
Outside or inside
composed of Chitin, calcium carbonate (calcareius) or protein
ex)lobsters, crabs, crustacean
Nerve Net (Cnidaria)
nervous system
nerve plexus for sensory perception, tentacle/nematocyst control
Reproduction (Cnidaria)
asexual and sexual
Bioluminescent (Cnidaria)
some are bioluminescent
Luciferin (Cnidaria)
a pigment that reacts with oxygen to produce light and luciferase
Luciferase (Cnidaria)
an enzyme that speeds up the reaction
Other (Cnidaria)
some species of Cnidaria are edible and are often used in Eastern Asian cuisine
Other (Cnidaria)
humans are regularly killed or permanently disabled by the highly poisonous neurotoxins in the nematocysts of some cnidarians, particularly on the north coast of Australia (box jelly) and Portuguese man-o-war.