Invertebrates: Phlyum Mollusca-Class Cephalopoda- (EXAM 2) Flashcards
class Cephalopoda
- under phylum Mollusca
- ex) octopus, squid, cuttlefish
- occur mostly in marine environment
funnel siphon
foot modified as this for expelling water (water jet propulsion) and tentacles: suction disks/ hooks (chitin) used for capturing prey
parrot like beak
used to crush prey items
Well developed senses
- large brain
- complex eye (includes cornea, lens, retina)
- Squid has largest eye
- octopus used arms for tactile exploration
closed circulatory system
two gill hearts move blood through the capillaries of the gills, a single systemic heart then pumps the oxygenated blood through the rest of the body
special skin cells that allow the organism to change color, and are used for communication and camoflauge
Ink gland
dark fluid released when alarmed, creating a “smoke screen” which allows the animal to escape predation
- octopus: black ink
- squid: blue-black ink
- cuttlefish: brown ink
ink gland 2
- contains a chemical compound called tyrosinase that impairs a predators sense of smell and taste
- contains dopamine which may serve to alert other cephalopods to the presence of other predators
- some deep ocean cephalopods secrete a glowing curtain compound of mucus and bioluminescent bacteria
chambered nautilus
adjusts buoyancy by pumping gas (argon-nitrogen mixture) and water into chambers of shell via the siphuncle. the nautilus shell presents one of the finest natural examples of a logarithmic spiral (a special kind of spiral curve that often occurs in nature)
tube connecting the chambers
a chambered, gas-filled shell used for buoyancy control (in cuttlefish)
detects chemicals= olfaction and chemotaxis to find food
shell exhibits this to avoid predation
squid pen
a feather shaped internal structure that supports the squids mantle and serves as a site for muscle attachment; composed of chitin-like substance, it is the remnant of the squids shell
spermatophore: package of sperm delivered to female (other males may “flush” out previous spermatophores)
Blue Ringed Octopus
recognized as one of the worlds most venomous animals (no known antidote)
-toxin is created by bacteria in the salivary glands of the octopus and is five times more powerful than cyanide
blue ringed octopus (other)
has evolved a symbiotic relationship with the bacteria, providing them with ideal living conditions while using the toxin they produce to subdue prey and as a part of their highly advertised defense