Fish Class Chondrichthyes (exam 5) Flashcards
class Chondrichthyes
cartilaginous fish
sharks, rays
850 species
6.5 inches (dwarf lantern shark) to 45 ft (whale shark)
cartilage instead of bone; no ribs
dermal denticles
skin feels rough like sand paper (oriented in same direction) = improved fluid dynamics
in multiple rows along the edges of the upper and lower jaws (not attached to the jaw, but embedded in the flesh); constantly replaced throughout their life
some can lose 30,000 teeth in a lifetime
have 2 chambered heart
Leydig’s organ
red blood cell production (also spleen and special tissue around the reproductive organs)
5-7 gills: water inhaled through the mouth which then passes over the gills (continual swimming)
dorsal, caudal (tail) fins: anal, pelvic and pectoral fins (paired)
sharks do not have a gas filled swim bladder like bony fish, but instead rely on a large liver filled with oil (squalene); the liver may constitute up to 30% of their body mass
lighter than water = reduction in body density
sense of smell
sharks have keen olfactory senses with, some species able to detect as little as one part per million of blood in seawater; some species have external barbels that greatly increase their ability to sense prey.
lateral line
a sense organ, usually running lengthwise from the gills to the tail, that is used to detect movement and vibration in the surrounding water
ampullae of Lorenzini: electroreceptor organs in sharks (100-1000s) which allow the shark to detect the electromagnetic fields which 1) enhance ability to find prey and 2) aid with orientation and navigation