Intruduction To Embryology Flashcards
What is a Oocyte (ovum,egg)?
Female germ cell
What is a sperm?
Male germ cell
What is a zygote?
Cell resulting from union of oocyte and sperm at fertilisation
What are blastomeres?
Early embryonic cells
What is a morula?
(from Latin – mulberry) Solid mass of 12 – 32 blastomeres
What is a blastocyst?
Stage where morula has entered uterine cavity and blastocystic cavity develops within
What is a gastrula?
Stage after trilaminar embryonic disc formation
What is a neurula?
Stage after gastrula when neural tube forms
What is an embryo?
Developing human during embryonic stage (to end of 8th week)
What is embryology?
The development of the child
What happens between stages 1-3?
Late Blastocyst
What happens between stages 3-4?
What happens between stages 4-6?
Formation of the bilaminar disc and implantation?
What happens between days 8-9?
Formation of the placenta and embryo
What happens between days 11-13?
Formation of the bilaminar disc and extraembryonic cavity?
What happens on day 13?
Formation of the umbilical cord
What happens during week 3?
Bilaminar disc becomes trilaminar disc
How is the primitive streak created?
As the ectoderm grows a folding occurs along the caudal midline
How is the trilaminar disc formed?
Cells from the base of the primitive streak detach and migrate to lie between the layers of the ectoderm and endoderm
The invagination of these cells creates a new layer called the mesoderm
What are the 3 different types of germ layers?
What does the ectoderm differentiate into?
●Epidermis of skin, hair and nails
●Mammary, sweat and sebaceous glands
●Central nervous system
●Peripheral nervous system
●Pituitary gland
●Enamel of the teeth
●Lens of the eye and parts of the inner ear
●Sensory epithelium of nose, ear and eye
What does the endoderm differentiate into?
●Epithelial lining of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory tract and urinary bladder
●Parenchyma of the thyroid gland, parathyroid gland, liver and pancreas
●Epithelial lining of the tympanic cavity and auditory tube
●Plays a part in the development of the notochord
What does the mesoderm differentiate into?
●All of the musculoskeletal system
●Deep layers of the skin
●Abdominal and chest walls and lining
●The walls of the bowel (but not the lining of the bowel)
●The urogenital system