Introduktion Flashcards
“…administration lies outside the proper sphere of politics. Administrative questions are not political questions.“
Woodrow Wilson, 1887, “The Study of Administration” om at politik og administration skal adskilles
“Public administrationis the management of men and materials in the accomplishment of the purposes of the state.”
Leonard D. White, 1926, ”Introduction to the Study of Public Administration” om at politik og administration skal adskilles
“Politics has to do with policies or expressions of the state will. Administration has to do with the execution of these policies.”
Frank J. Goodnow, 1900, ”Politics and Administration”
“…this discrimination between administration and politics is now, happily, too obvious to need further discussion”
Woodrow Wilson, 1887, “The Study of Administration”
”In the science of administration, whether public or private, the basic ”good” is efficiency. The fundamental objective of the science of administration is the accomplishment of the work in hand with the least expenditure of man-power and materials”
Gulick, 1937, ”The Science of Administration”
“It is the object of administrative study to discover, first, what government can properly and successfully do, and, secondly, how it can do these proper things with the utmost possible efficiency and at the least possible cost either of money or of energy.”
Woodrow Wilson, 1887, “The Study of Administration”
“The objective of public administration is the most efficient utilization of the resources at the disposal of officials and employees.”
Leonard D. White,Introduction to the Study of Public Administration
“a special case of the larger category, administration, a process which is common to all organized human effort and which is highly developed in modern corporate business, in the church, in the Red Cross, in education, and in international bodies, public and private.”
Leonard D. White,Introduction to the Study of Public Administration
”A theory of public administration means in our time a theory of politics”
John Merriman Gaus, 1950
Offentlig forvaltning som selvstændigt socialvidenskabelige felt med egne skoler
Offentlig forvaltning som et anvendt felt underlagt psykologi og sociologi
Offentlig forvaltnings identitet som felt udgøres af tre ben, hvilke?
1) Politik-administrations-dikotomien
2) Efficiency som det højeste mål
3) Søgen efter generelle organisatoriske principper til opnåelse af effektivitet
Offentlig forvaltnings faghistorie indtil cirka 1945
Offentlig forvaltning som positivisme og enhedsvidenskab
Hvor er det at offentlig forvaltning administreres?