Introduction to Patho/Pharm Flashcards
What does Toxic Effects of a med mean ?
specific risks and manifestations of toxicity
- develop when taking med for a length period of time or when toxic amounts build up
What do Contraindications/Precautions of a med mean ?
conditions that make it risky or completely unsafe for pt’s to take
What does the Mechanism of Action of a med mean ?
how meds produce their therapeutic effect
What does Medication Interactions mean ?
meds that interact with each other that can create beneficial or harmful effects
What does Preparation, Administration, or Dosage mean for a med ?
any specific considerations for preparation, safe dosages, and how to administer the med
What does the Therapeutic Effect of a med mean ?
the expected effect (physiological response) for which the nurse administers a med to a specific pt
- can have more then 1 therapeutic effect
What does Adverse Effects of a med mean ?
undesirable and potentially dangerous responses to a medication
What are the 9 rights of drug administration ?
- patient
- drug
- dose
- time
- route/form
- documentation
- reason or indication
- response
- to refuse
What does the weight of a child need to be so they can receive an adult dose ?
50 kg (110 lbs)
How can you improve compliance with taking meds ?
- convenient drug forms
- select dosing times to lifestyle
- mix with foods
- calibrated spoons or sucking devices
- return demos
- med log on fridge
What is the chemical name of a drug mean ?
describes the drug’s atomic and molecular structure
What does the generic name of a drug mean ?
identifies the drug’s active ingredient
- nonproprietary name
What does the trade name of a drug mean ?
brand or proprietary name
- many times the name the pt will recognize
What drug name do Nurses use ?
generic name
What is pharmacotherapeutics ?
use of clinical drug to prevent and treat disease
What is an additive effect ?
drug interactions in which the effect of a combination of two or more drugs with similar actions is equivalent to the sum of the individual effects of the same drugs given alone
- 1+1=2
What is an adverse drug event ?
any undesirable occurrence related to administering or failing to administer a prescribed medication
What is an adverse drug reaction ?
any unexpected, unintended, undesired, or excessive response to a med given at therapeutic dosages
What is an agonist ?
a drug that binds to and stimulates the activity of one or more receptors in the body
What is an allergic reaction ?
an immunologic hypersensitivity reaction resulting from the unusual sensitivity of a patient to a particular medication
- a type of adverse drug event.
What is an antagonist ?
a drug that binds to and inhibits the activity of one or more receptors in the body
- aka an inhibitor
What is an antagonistic effect ?
drug interactions in which the effect of a combination of two or more drugs is less than the sum of the individual effects of the same drugs given alone
- 1+1< 2
- usually reduces or blocks effect of one drug on another