Intro to the Muscular System Flashcards
What is an Agonist?
aka a Prime Mover, it is a muscles that plays a major role in producing a particular movement
What is an Antagonist?
Opposes movement of an agonist
What is a Synergist?
A smaller muscle that assists a larger agonist
Helps start motion or stabilize origin of agonist (fixator)
What is the difference between a flexor and an extensor?
Flexors: muscles whoselines of action cross the anterior side of a joint (biceps)
Extensors: muscles whose lines of action cross theposterior side of a joint (triceps)
How are skeletal muscles named?
F/ascicle organization Location Origin/insertion Relative position Action Structure
What are the 2 divisions of appendicular muscles?
- Muscles of the shoulders and upper limbs
2. Muscles of the pelvis and lower limbs
What is the role of appendicular muscles?
- Position and stabilize pectoral and pelvic girdles
2. Move upper and lower limbs
Why does the pelvic girdle provide little movement?
- Pelvic girdle is tightly bound to axial skeleton
2. Has few muscles
Define Pronation and Supination
Allows the human body to flip the palm either face up or face down. Possible only in the forearms and hands.
What are 4 effects of aging on the muscular system?
Skeletal muscle fibers become
- smaller
- less elastic
- decreased tolerance for exercise
- decrease ability to recover from injury
What role does the Cardiovascular system play in relation to the Muscular system?
- Delivers oxygen + fuel
2. Removes carbon dioxide and wastes
What role does the Respiratory system play in relation to the Muscular system?
Responds to oxygen demands of muscles
What role does the Integumetary system play in relation to the Muscular system?
Disperses heat from muscle activity
What role does the Nervous + Endocrine system play in relation to the Muscular system?
Direct responses of all systems