Intro to Social Psychology Flashcards
Define ‘Social Psychology’
Scientific study of how people think about, influence, and relate to one another
4 key characteristics of Social Psychology
- Focuses on the individual
- Considers interaction between the person and the situation
- Examines internal psychological states and observable behaviours
- Uses scientific methods
Hazel Markus said that “people are above all, malleable”. What does this mean?
Our behaviour is shaped by external forces and we adapt to our social context.
However, internal forces are also important.
An organized set of principles used to explain observed phenomena
A theory is _____ than a fact.
Distinguish between fact and theory
Facts are agreed upon statements that we observe
Theories are ideas that summarize and explain facts to imply testable predictions called hypotheses.
An “educated guess” about relationships that may exist between variables. This is how we test theories.
Translating variables at the theoretical level into the specific variables that are going to be observed
A good theory accomplishes the following:
It effectively summarizes observations to make clear predictions that allow us to…
1) Confirm or modify the theory
2) Generate new exploration
3) Suggest practical applications
Correlational research
Study of the naturally occurring relationships among variables
Field research
Conducted in natural real life settings
4 non-experimental approaches
- Archival study: examining existing records of past events
- Case study: detailed examination of a single event or person
- Survey study: participants complete questionnaires
- Observational study: participants’ behaviours are observed in real life settings
Correlation does not equal _______
Why do non-experimental approaches not necessarily imply a casual relationship?
Reverse causality and spurious relationships (third variable)
Key features of experimental research
- Consist of independent and dependent variables
- Random assignment (aka the Great Equalizer)
- Search for cause and effect
3 ethics of experimentation
- Mundane realism
- Experimental realism
- Demand characteristics
Mundane realism
Degree to which an experiment is similar to everyday situations. Not all experiments need to have this though
Experimental realism
Degree to which an experiment involves participants. Try to INCLUDE this!
Demand characteristics
Cues in an experiment that tell the participant what behaviour is expected. Must try to AVOID this!
Why can’t some variables be assessed experimentally?
It is not possible or it is not ethical to manipulate them
Internal validity
The extent to which differences between groups in an experiment can be attributed to the independent variable and not other factors
External validity
The degree to which one can generalize results in one circumstance to another
5 research ethics
- Informed consent
- Protection from harm
- Permission to withdraw
- Confidentiality
- Debriefing