intro to pharmacokinetics (drug distribution) Flashcards
what determines ADME
structure of a drug molecule
what may be needed for a drug to provide a response
prolonged exposure of the target with the drug
by repeated dosing
best way for drugs to get to targets
through blood
how much of every person is water
what do some drugs bind to in the blood
plasma proteins
do drugs bound to plasma proteins have clinical effect
no, only free drugs do
is there equilibrium in the drug between those bound to plasma protein and those that are free
what happens with drugs not bound to plasma protein
more of the drug can leave to
- go to the target
- be metabolised
- be excreted
drugs bound have much less concentration leaving to do those things
do free drugs or drugs bound to plasma proteins stay around for longer
drugs bound to plasma proteins stay around for longer
how do drugs leave the circulatory system
through pores
is there many pores in CNS
no, makes it harder for drugs to leave
once the drug enters the cell can they still bind to other things
yes, can bind to mitochondria etc
what is in the central compartment (two compartment model)
water and proteins
what does the drug do in the central compartment
equilibrates between free and bound drug
only free drug in the water can get to targets
what is the second compartment made up of (two compartment model)
proteins and lipids