Intro to microbiology / bacteria Flashcards
Possible infecting agents
Bacteria, Fungi, Viruses, Parasites, Prions
Sterile Sites
Blood, CSF, Lung, Bladder
Non-Sterile sites
Skin, Gut, Urethra, Nasopharynx
Light Microscopy Allows you to see (unstained)
Pus cells, parasites
Light Microscopy Allows you to see (stained)
bacteria, yeasts and fungi
Viruses aren’t visible in…
Light microscope
Gram Staining
Rapid - you can telephone urgent information
Bacterial Culture
Slow/ sensitive
Healthcare acquired infections
MRSA, Norovirsues, EBSL
Difference between gram positive and gram negative
Gram negative has an outer membrane!! (therefore an extra periplasmic space)
Also has lipopolysaccharides
Monotrichous flagellum
One point
Laphtrichous flagellum
one point, many flagellum
Amphitrichous flagellum
both sides
Peritrichous flagellum
all over
Structure produced by bacteria that is resistant to many environmental or induced factors that bacteria may be subjected to
Bacterial genetics
Replicate by binary fission
They create identical progeny
Bacterial genetics - variations by…
spontaneous mutations, transfer of DNA
Bacterial Nomenclature
Name is based on…