intro to lifestyle medicine Flashcards
lifestyle medicine:
* — based speciality
* Science and application of healthy lifestyles for the — and — of diseases
* Foundations embedded in key health behaviours strongly linked to —
“Lifestyle Medicine is the use of evidence-based lifestyle
therapeutic approaches, such as predominantly whole food, plant-
based diet, regular physical activity, adequate sleep, stress
management, avoidance of risky substance use, and other non-
drug modalities to treat, reverse and prevent lifestyle-related
chronic disease” (American College of Lifestyle Medicine (ACLM)
* “Lifestyle Medicine is the application of — , — , — and — principles to the
management of lifestyle-related health problems in a clinical
setting, including self-care and self-management” (Egger et al.
Lifestyle Medicine, 2017, Elsevier)
prevention n treatment
chronic disease
environmental behabviroal medical n motivational
why lifestyle medicine:
* Burden of disease = the sum
of — and —
* Measured using the —
* — represents the loss
of one year of healthy life
* i.e., losing one year in good health eitherbecause of premature
death, or because of disease or disability
mortality n morbidity
Disability Adjusted Life Year (DALY)
conventional vs lifestyle medicine:
treats —-
patient is — recient care
painter not required to make —
treatment is often —
responsibility is on —
emhazies on — and —
medication is often the —
goal is —-
little consideration of —
doctors generaly operates —
treats —
patient is — partner in care
patient is required to make —
treatment is always —
responsibility is —- w the patient
medication maybe needed but emphasis on —
goal is —–
more consideration of —
doctor is a part of the team
risk factors
big changes
short term
diagnosis n prescription
end treatment
disease management
lifestyle cuases
big changes
long term
motivation n compliance
lifestyle change
primary 2ndary and tertiary prevention
lifestyle medicine focuses on:
1-nutrition :
* Standard “Western” Diet
* FAD Diets
* Mayo Clinic Diet
* American Heart Association
* Mediterranean Diet
* Whole foods plant based Diet
3- tobacco n alcohol
4- healthy rs
6-stress management
-45% of US deaths in 2012 from heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes associated with —
* Highest percentage of cardiometabolic disease related death (9.5%) related
to excess consumption of –
poor nutrions
health benefits:
- Cardiovascular diseases
- 33% reduction
- 50% or greater risk reduction (aerobic fitness)
- Reduced mortality in breast cancer and colon cancer
- Breast cancer: 20% reduction
- Colon cancer: 30% reduction
- Osteoporosis
- Routine PA is associated with improved bone health
- Hypertension
- 32% risk reduction
- 50% or greater risk reduction (aerobic fitness)
- Diabetes
- 40% risk reduction
- 50% or greater risk reduction (aerobic fitness)
National sleep foundation’s updated sleep duration recommendations: final report. (2015)
substance use:
- Young Irish Adults (15-34 years)
- Cannabis 13.8%
- MDMA 4.4%
- Cocaine 3.9%
- Amphetamines 0.6%
lifestyle medicine:
* Is aimed at modifying —
and — bases of disease, rather than — disease
* Requires the patient to be an — partner in the process rather than a passive recipient of care
* Uses — processes based on principles of — change, including – and — skills
behaviroal n lifestyle
rather than treating the disease
behavior changes
motivation n motivational skills
impact on behaviour change in practice:
* Significant advances in science
and pharmacology since late
* Causes of and treatments for
many infectious diseases
* BUT – primary and major first
line of defence for infectious
diseases = — change & — improvement
* Reflected in reduction in —
cases PRIOR to discovering
streptomycin (therapeutic) and
a vaccine (preventative)
whats involved in behaviour changes:
* Acknowledging and understanding that there is a need for —- change
* The — it takes to make the
* Support to plan for and execute the
change (healthcare professionals, family,
* Goal-setting – small and larger goals
* Very importantly – — healthcare
– Understanding of behaviour change
– Key clinical skill = —
bhevaour and environmental
lifestyle behavior change
Motivational Interviewing
* Lifestyle Medicine is fundamental to all clinical practice, medical and surgical
* Making lifestyle changes always involves Health —
* Changing health behaviours is particularly difficult
* Behaviour change advice requires specialised — skills from healthcare
* Based on theories of behaviour change,
* e.g., Transtheoretical Model (TTM)
* Motivational interviewing
* Behaviour change techniques
behavior change