ecological and cross sectional studies Flashcards
when we have an observer that assigned the exposure they will be — studies by which we will either have — allocation which will lead to —- trials or — trials
however if the observer didn’t assign we will have —- studies, when comparison groups are used we will have —- which included:
when comparison groups are not used we will have — study
- intervention study
- random allocation
- randomised trials
- non randomised trials
- observational studies
- analytical study which include: ecological , case control , cohort , and cross sectional studies
- descriptive study
-is an observational study and is the simplest study design by which no manipulation of variables is known as —
- they collect info from — at — in time
- they offer a — of disease aka — at – in time
- these can be also referred to as —
cross sectional studies
one point
aka outcomes
one point
prevalence studies
- cross sectional studies can be either — or —
- these are designed to measure — of the — or —- aka — which is —-
- often multibe outcomes are assessed as —- and —-
- consider several characteristics at — such as —-
- a —- of the outcomes is required
- it can be also used to examine —- between —- and — which is —-
descriptive or analytic
outcomes or disease aka prevalence study
which is a descriptive
diabetes and hypertension
at once as income gender age etc
clear definition
examine association
exposure and outcomes
population of interest —> representative sample —> measure outcomes with can lead to number which outcomes which can be calculate —- or it can lead to number without outcomes
calculate prevalence of the outcome which measure the outcome of disease frequency
sources of data can be:
1- routine data sources which include :
2- population censuses
3- —- as SLAN 2007 by which the allow you to collect the — that you want by using —- methods , Often easier to examine associations between exposure and outcomes using —-
1- includes :
- death registration
- disease registers as : national cancer registry Ireland
- general practinorier data as ., Clinical Practice Research Datalink in the UK
- survey
- collection info
- rigorous methods
- survey data
population of interest —> representative sample —> measure exposure and outcomes which can leads to : number with outcomes and numbers without outcomes among those exposed by which we can calculate —–
or it can lead to number with and numbers with our among those unexposed which we can calculate
- Calculate the prevalence of the outcome in the exposed
-Calculate the prevalence of the outcome in the unexposed
-Prevalence ratio or odds ratio and this is one way of — the — of the association between exposure and outcome
- prevalence ratio is the prevalence of the disease among — divided by the prevalence of the disease in the—
- PR of — reflects no association between the exposure and outcome, a PR of — indicates a positive association and of — indicates a negative association
- quantify the size
- exposed
- unexposed
- 1
- more than 1
- less than one
( check the PR formula in slide 13 so important ) + slide 15,17,18 for example SO IMPORTANT!
-We use — when we have categorical variable (yes/no)
- If the exposure and outcome are measured on a numeric scale (e.g. blood pressure, age, BMI), we can summarise the strength of the linear relationship between them using a —
which is donated by — and its used in — studies
- pervelence ratio
- correlation coefficient ( We typically use the Pearson correlation coefficient) and is donated by r
- used in cross sectional
-Correlation coefficient always lies between — and —-
- the correlation coefficient of 0 means no —- between the 2 variables
- +1 refers to a —- relationship (as the value of one variable gets bigger the value of the other gets bigger)
- -1 refers to a —- relationship (as the value of one variable gets bigger the value of the other gets smaller)
-1 and +1
no linear association
perfect positive relationship
perfect negative relationship
( check the graphs in slide 20 so important LIKE ACC SO IMPORTANT )
—– is the situation where an apparent relationship between an exposure and an outcome is due, in whole or in part, to a third factor meaning that the association of that exposure and outcome could really be due in whole or in part to other factors often referred to as a —-
which means the effects of the exposure under study on a given outcome are mixed in with the effects of an additional factor (or set of factors)
- example: Odds ratio of 2.88 suggests that boys who don’t eat before school are more likely to have obesity than those who do eat before school
- cofounding (meaning: is an unmeasured third variable that influences both the supposed cause and the supposed effect.)
mixing of the effect
criteria for a confounder - For a factor to confound the association between a potential cause (i.e., the exposure) and an outcome, it must:
1- be —- with the exposure
2- be — of the outcome
3- not to be in a — for the effect of exposure o the outcome
casual pathway
( check slide 25,26 for the graph important )
—- is a major issue in observational studies, which needs to be controlled for in the design and/or analysis.
- in order to control it we need to — and — it
identify and measure
the advantages of the cross sectional study:
1- — study design
2- often — and relatively — to conduct
3- useful for — the health and heath care needs of population by measuring —- and —
4- can be used to —- association and therefor identify —- — relationship
disease frequency
potentially casual relationship
sources of errors in cross sectional studies: ( sources and the types of error basically )
1- source: section of participants as sampling is due to :
2-source: measurement in instruments as self-administered questionnaire, monitor, interview are due to :
3-source: measurement in observer is due to:
1- type:sampling error and selection bias
2- type:inaccuracy ( poor validity ) and poor reliability
3- type:between observers and within observers
In cross-sectional studies, particularly need:
- a —- in cross-sectional studies in order to — sampling error and get a—- estimate of the prevalence
- a sample that is representative of the — in order to make inferences about the population based on the sample
large sample
general population