intro to cancer Flashcards
- Cancer occurs when mechanisms maintaining normal — rates fail, resulting in excessive —-
- Loss of cell growth regulation is due to —– to the genes regulating these processes
- <10% of all cancer mutations are — Usually, mutation arises as a result of — factors.
- Cancer is not just one disease but many diseases ,There are ~200 different types of cancer
cellular growth rate
cell division
genetic damage
1- —- :
- —- growth
- grow by —-
- compression or displacing
surrounding normal tissue.
2- — :
- capable of —-
- grow by —-
- destroy the tissue which they —
invasion and/or metastasis
local infiltration
types of cancer :
1- —- comprise approx. 90% of human cancers, arise from epithelial cells as: lung carcinoma, hepatic carcinoma, melanoma
2- —– develop from cells of mesodermal origin including bone, soft (connective) tissues (muscle and
fibroblasts), quite rare as: osteosarcoma, rhabdomyosarcoma
3- —- develop from circulating cells
of blood and lymph systems
e.g. Lymphoma -from lymph tissue; Leukaemia -derived from blood-forming cells Myeloma -from marrow plasma cells
- Chronic conditions that do not result from an (acute) infectious process and hence are “not communicable.”
- A disease that has a prolonged course, that does not resolve spontaneously, and for which a complete cure is rarely achieved.
is known as
true or false:
-Cancer is the first or second leading cause of premature death in 134 countries
-the most incident ( most common ) cancer is breast cancer and the most mortality is lung - Lung, prostate, colorectal, stomach and liver cancer are
the most common types of cancer in men. - Breast, colorectal, lung, cervix and stomach cancer are the most common among women.
Cancer increases with age - considered an aging disease bc mutations accumulate in our tissues throughout life, and some of these mutations contribute to cancers.
noncommunicable disease
risk factors for cancers:
- Tobacco use
- Alcohol use
- Dietary factors, including insufficient fruit and vegetable
intake - Overweight and obesity
- Physical inactivity
- Older age
- Chronic infections from helicobacter pylori, hepatitis B
virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV) and some types of human papilloma virus (HPV) - Environmental and occupational risks including ionizing
and non-ionizing radiation - Family history of cancer
cancer prevention:
* More than 30% of cancers are caused by several leading behavioural and enviornemtal risks that are potentially —- .
* —- is the single largest preventable cause of cancer in the world today. It is responsible for up to 1.5
million cancer deaths a year.
key prevention strategies:
- Tobacco control by implementing the WHO Framework Convention
on Tobacco Control (see WHO MPOWER package, a set of six key tobacco control
– smoking cessation services - Promotion of healthy diet and physical activity (see the WHO Global Strategy on Diet and Physical Activity for a comprehensive set of policy recommendations);
- Preventing harmful use of alcohol by means of national alcohol
policies aimed at reducing overall level of alcohol consumption; - Reduce exposure and promote protection against infectious agents
associated with cancer, including vaccination against Hepatitis B
Virus and Human Papilloma Virus - Reduce exposure and promote protective actions, to carcinogens in
the environment and workplace, including ionizing and non-ionizing
early detection strategies:
1- —-: health campaigns- awareness of early signs and symptoms in order to facilitate diagnosis and
treatment before the disease becomes advanced
(* Be Clear on Cancer campaign in 2016/17 on respiratory symptoms,
combining the existing lung cancer and ‘breathlessness’ campaigns, -
help promote awareness of the signs and symptoms of lung cancer, and in encouraging people with a persistent cough to visit their GP)
2- —- : systematic application of a test or inquiry, to identify individuals at sufficient risk of a specific disorder to benefit from further investigation or direct preventive action, among persons who have not sought medical attention on account of symptoms of that disorder. e.g.
cervical, breast and bowel cancers.
– HPV cervical screening for —- (PAP smear)
– Faecal Immunochemical Test (FIT) - —- cancer screening
– Mammography screening for — in high-income settings
early diagnosis
cervical cancer
bowel cancer
breast cancer
- —– is key to limit as much as possible the increase in the cancer burden worldwide.
The three levels of cancer prevention strategies:
1- primary:
- the actions are taken to lower the – of developing cancer
- adds —-
- removes —-
- this occurs in disease onset
2- secondary:
- Methods to find and ameliorate precancerous conditions or find early-stage cancers and prevent
progression for example:
3- tertiary:
- reduce impact of — and — caused by cancer or its treatment
- prevent cancer — in survivors
lower the risk
protective factor
risk factor
screening , symptom awareness campaigns
long term disease
( 2ndary and 3rd are both in clinical diagnosis)
—- risk factors:
* ionizing radiation
* radon
* exogenous hormones
* occupational exposure
to carcinogens
* air pollution
* chemical substances in
the environment
- tobacco smoke
- diet
- obesity
- infectious agent
- alcohol
- sun radiation
- modifiable protective factors include:
are all modifiable cancer factors
physical activity and breastfeeding
- Almost all cervical cancers are caused by — which is a —- risk factor
-Reduce risk of —- to HPV
-Reduce risk of developing the disease if exposed
-HPV — prevent 90–100% of infections with the two most important high-risk HPV types (HPV16 and HPV18).
-Cervical cancer —- enables detection of early disease of precancerous lesions and cancers at an early stage has resulted in substantial declines in cervical cancer mortality in high-income countries
human papillomavirus (HPV) infection
vaccines ( the intro to vaccines is a primary intervention)