Intro to Learning (2) Flashcards
What is an elicited behavior?
behavior that is automatically drawn out by the presence of the stimuli
What is an example of an elicited behavior?
What is habituation?
process where an innate response decreases in responsiveness to a stimulus
How does habituation occur?
if the stimulus is repeated and has no effect
What is sensitization?
process where an innate response increases in responsiveness to stimulus
How does sensitization occur?
if the stimulus is repeated and has increasing effect
What is a stimulus?
object/event in the environment that has an effect on the organism.
What is a response?
behavior triggered by a stimulus
What is classical conditioning?
Where innate behaviors are produced in new situations.
What is associative learning?
learn there is a relationship between 2 events
What is Hebb’s rule of biological of association?
neurons fire together they wire together
neurons fire apart they wire apart
What happens when ‘neurons fire together they wire together’?
the connection between them strengthens, making them more likely to fire together again.
What happens when ‘neurons fire apart they wire apart’?
connection weakens, making them more likely to act independently of each other
What is a contingency?
predictive relationship between 2 stimuli, one event predicts probable outcome of the other.
What happens in operant conditioning?
subject learns to associate their response with a consequence
What is an overt response?
behavior that can be observed by others
What is a covert response?
behavior that be perceived only by the person performing it
What is behaviorism?
study of directly observable behavior
What does Watson’s Methodological behaviorism state about behavior?
all reflexive, no internal factor affect it.
What does Watson’s Methodological behaviorism state about learning?
connection between stimulus and responses
What does Watson’s Methodological behaviorism state about reflexes infants are born with?
What does Hull’s neobehaviorism state?
internal processes mediate between environment and behavior
In Hull’s neobehaviorism approach, when can behavior be studied?
if it is operationalised
What does Skinner’s Radical behaviorism state about behavior?
environment influences external behavior and internal events
What does Skinner’s Radical behaviorism state about internal events?
they are behaviors to be explained
According to Skinner’s Radical behaviorism, what can’t you use internal events for?
to explain behaviour
2 ways in which you can mediate learning?
What is Satiation?
Prolonged exposure to stimulus decreases your drive to want that stimulus
What is Deprivation?
Prolonged absence to stimulus increases your drive to want that stimulus
What does Tolman’s Cognitive behaviorism state about behavior?
it is goal directed, broader approach to learning
What does Tolman’s Cognitive behaviorism state about mediators of behavior?
both physiological and mental
What does Bandura’s Social Learning Theory state about learning?
Observable behavior, environment and individual thoughts/feelings influence learning