Intro To Chemistry Flashcards
carbon confaining compounds
Living things
First Man event in chemistry
Alchemy discovery of philosophers stone
Second main event in chemistry
Arrestitoliqn system
What is the address to talion system
Four types of matter earth wind fire water
What was the third main event
The discovery of subatomic particles, later massa nd location
What are subatomic particles
Electrons protons neutrons
What was the last meal event
JJ Thompson believe that electrons were im bedded than the uniforms sphere of positive charge
History of chemistry was classical blank
Classical antiquity and autonomism
The client matter is composed of in this invincible indestructible atomos
Opposed the existence of atoms
Developed a system of four Aristotelian elements and two philosophical
Jabir Ibn Hiyan
What were the two philosophical elements
One. Sulfur, characterizing combustibility “on “the stone which burns “, Mercury for metallic
Sulfur mercury salt
Skeptical chymist investigated and separated alchemy and chemistry
Robert boyle
What causes the chemical revolution
The separation of alchemy in chemistry
What is produced during combustion? And who invented this
Phlogiston,gorge stahl
Who discovered cobalt
George brand
Isolated carbon dioxide and called it fixed air
Joseph Black
Discovered hydrogen produced water by combining the phlogisticated air ( o2) and inflammable hydrogen
 Henry Cavendish
Establish law of conservation of mass
Antoine de laviosier
Founder of electrochemistry
Alessandro Volta
Supports chemist and engineers
Chemical technician
Studies the chemical composition of matter and have understanding of complex scientific processes perform chemical analysis
Create products and goods
Chemical engineers
What products do chemical engineers make
Computer chips points and plastics
Examine substances and their composition structure interactions
Food analysis
Teach concept of chemistry
Chemistry teachers
Aids and criminal investigation by collecting and analyzing evidence is an forces in solve crimes by investigating collecting data
Foresnic sciences
Work and labs in manufacturing facilities
Chemical technician
Working labs and conduct experiments using equipment
Work in lab industrial plants office, pharmaceutical companies
Chemical engineer
Works in food safety pharmaceutical companies and manufacturing facilities
Food analyst