Intro to Behavior med Flashcards
What are some of the potential etiologies of mental illness?
Gut microbiome/diet
family history
Overall, it is multofactorial
What are the codes for commitment in Pennsylvania
201 - voluntary
302 - involuntary
What are the indications for hospitalizing someone due to mental illness?
Danger to themselves or others:
Suicidal/homicidal ideations
Psychosis with potential to harm themselves or others
impaired judgement/inability for self-care
What are some factors that influences psychological responses from a patient?
Nature/severity of illness
Meaning that the illness has to the patient
Personality style/coping mechanisms of the patient
Past experiences of the patient, friends, family, doctors, etc.
Response of the providers to the patient
How does psychosis effect patient assessment?
Difficulty thinking and reasoning; frightened and guarded
How does depression effect patient assessment?
Difficulty concentrating and speaking spontaneously; must ask about suicide
How does a patient’s agitation/violence effect their assessment?
impaired judgement, increased impulsivity, possibly paranoid; approach calmly, never turn your back on the patient, stay between the patient and the door;
May have another staff member come with you if you are worried
What should be done before diagnosing/treating a psychiatric patient?
Perform a routine medical evaluation to screen for concurrent disease, rule out differentials, and establish baseline values
How many psychiatric patients have co-existing medical illnesses?
Why is it important to identify underlying medical illnesses?
Some medical illnesses cause psychiatric symptoms that need to be identified
What are the most important components of patient assessment?
Mental status exam
Physical exam
Diagnostic testing
How should you write the chief complaint?
In the patient’s own words
How could you write the quality of the illness in HPI
What aren’t you capable of doing?
What should be asked specifically in past medical history?
Any past psychiatric history
Medical illnesses
Drug and alcohol history, current or past
What 4 elements should be included in personal history?
What should be asked about developmental history?
Situation pt was born into
Mother’s use of drugs/alc during pregnancy
Developmental disabilities/milestones
What should be asked about childhood history?
Discipline in the home
School history
Social relationships
What should be asked about adolescent history
Romantic/sexual relationships
What should be asked about adult history?
Work history
Educational history
Social activities
Current living situation
Legal history
Sexual history
What other history must be asked?
Family history
Review of systems
What should be noted about physical exam for psychiatric patient assessment?
May have to defer it is patient is not in a position for an exam, just document why
Determine the extent of the exam by the patient’s presentation
What is the purpose of diagnostic tests for a psychiatric patient?
No test confirms mental illness - it just helps rule out underlying disorders such as:
-systemic infections
Establishes normal - ex: baseline kidney and liver function
What are some standard lab tests to order on psychiatric patients?
CBC w/ diff
Blood glucose
Blood chemistries (electrolytes, renal, liver)
Thyroid function
Syphilis (RPR, then FTA if +)
Tox screen
Drug levels
HIV testing
What are some non-invasive studies that could be performed on a psychiatric patients?
Brain imaging:
-CT scan
-PET (cerebral blood flow)
Who typically does psychological evaluations?
Define psychological evaluations
Specialized diagnostic procedures/test that can identify and quantify the degree of psychopathology; provides objective data on a patient’s psychological functioning and is a useful tool for clarifying confusing clinical presentations
What are the general categories of psychological tests that can be done?
Intelligence tests (IQ)
Personality/projective tests
Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory (MMPI)
Beck Depression Inventory
Thematic Apperception test (TAT)