Intro to ATC/NAS Flashcards
What year did the Federal Aviation Administration get created?
The FAA is part of what department?
Department of Transportation
What makes up the NAS (National Airspace System)?
Airports, airspace, NAVAIDS, equipment, charts, rules, ATC personnel
The FAA Administrator’s office is located where?
Washington DC
What are the primary purposes of the ATC system?
Safe, orderly, and expeditious movement of air traffic.
Who gets preferential treatment?
Aircraft in distress, Search and Rescue, President, air amublances, flight check, Special civillian and special military flights such as: dangerous cargo, CELNAV, Open Skies.
What are additional services?
Traffic advisories, weather advisories, bird activities
VFR advisories, weather assistance
Are additional services required?
Yes, when workload permits.
What are the Flight Service positions and duties?
Weather observer - basic weather watch
Flight data - NOTAMs and flight movement data
Broadcast - weather and flight imformation
Preflight - brief pilots
Inflight - assist pilots in flight
En Route flight adivisory service timely specific
weather data
Inflight - monitor NAVAIDs, relay clearances,
What are the tower positions and duties?
Local - runway separation ground - taxiway separation clearance delivery - issue clearances flight data - process info ATIS tower coordinator - coordinate and advise tower associate - assist tower position
Who gives clearance to land?
Tower controller
Who gives clearance for an approach?
Center or Approach control
What are the TRACON positons and duties?
Radar - separation
Radar Associate - assist radar
Radar Coordinator - coordiate and advise
Flight Data - process strips
What are the ARTCC positions and duties?
Radar - separation
Radar Associate - assist radar
Radar Coordinator - coordiate and advise
Flight Data - process strips
How are duties divided in TRACON and ARTCC?
As needed - there are NO absolute assignment of duties
What is the mission of TMU?
balance demand and capacity in ATC system
Where is ATCSCC located?
Herndon, VA
What are some TMU programs?
Departure Sequencing En Route Sequencing Arrival Sequencing Ground Delay Program Severe Weather Advisory Program Ground Stops
What navigation systems are there?
GPS - space based direct capability
VOR, TACAN, VORTAC - land based radials
RNAV - land based direct capability
What are the 2 main types of airways?
Victor routes - below 18,000
Jet routes - FL180 - FL450
What are the 5 types of controlled airspace?
What is the 1 type of uncontrolled airspace?
Controlled: A, B, C, D, E
Uncontrolled: G
What is the FAA Order 7110.65?
Air Traffic Control Procedures manual
What is the FAA Order 7110.10
Flight Service Procedures manual
What is the FAA Order 7210.3?
Facility Operation and Management manual