Basic Communications Flashcards
What are radio frequencies to be used for?
Only the specific purpose intended
What are the monitoring requirements for frequencies and interphones?
Must monitor at sector they are assigned to with volume (if in speaker) at an audiable level
A pilot may leave the frequency if (3 items)
1) Requested by pilot
2) Approved by ATC
3) Time to return is established
What 3 numbers are pronounced differently from normal use?
3 - Tree, 5 - Fife, 9 - Niner
What are the ICAO phonetics for A through H?
A- Alpha B- Bravo C- Charlie D- Delta
E- Echo F- Foxtrot G- Golf H- Hotel
What are the ICAO phonetics for I through Q?
I- India J- Juliett K- Kilo L- Lima M- Mike
N- November O- Oscar P- Papa Q- Quebec
What are the ICAO phonetics for R through Z?
R- Romeo S- Sierra T- Tango U- Uniform
V- Victor W- Whiskey X- X-ray Y- Yankee
Z- Zulu
What 4 times are numbers are said in group form?
twenty-five instead of two five
Airliner call signs, Aircraft types, Airways, Relative turns
How do you say these altitudes - 90, 120, 160, 180, 290?
90 - niner thousand, 120 - one two thousand, 160 - one six thousand, 180 - flight level one eight zero, 290 - flight level two niner zero
Say the time 0456.
Zero four five six
Say the altimeter setting for JAN 2988.
Jackson altimeter two niner eight eight
Give the compass heading 40 degrees
Fly heading zero four zero
Give a turn 20 degrees more to the left
Turn twenty degrees left
If 3 runways due east are parallel, what are their names?
Runways 9L, 9C, 9R. Called niner left, niner center, niner right
Say the frequency 124.65
One two four point six five
Say the frequency 124.275
One two four point two seven
Say the speed 270
Two seven zero knots
Say the speed M.78
Mach point seven eight
Say the location JAN255034
Jackson two five five radial, three four mile fix
Read the wind 23025
Wind two three zero at two five
The local position at GWO tower is called
Greenwood tower
The ground position at GWO tower is called
Greenwood ground
The approach control at JAX is called
Jacksonville Approach (Jax Approach)
Jacksonville ARTCC is called
Jacksonville Center