Intro Flashcards
If the baby can’t walk by what month should that be a red flag?
18 months
The moro reflex can identify what?
any limb lesions
At what age should the baby be able to look at faces, reflex grasp, and moro reflex?
What medication should be avoided in children under 16 years old due to the fear of Reye’s syndrome?
what are major contributors to infant mortality?
- prematurity
- severe congenital defects
- chromosomal abnormalities
What is the leading causes of death in children? (5)
- accidents (35-40%)
- suicide
- homicide
- cancer
- congenital defects
Definition for failure to thrive?
sustained falling through the centiles for weight
*length will follow
what medication should be avoided in children under 6 yrs old?
OTC cough/cold medication
What vaccines are contraindicated in immunocompromised patients?
Live vaccines
What is the difference between antenatal and post-natal passive immunity?
- antenatal = fetus receives maternal IgG via placenta
- post natal = infant receives maternal IgA if breastfed or bottle fed pumped breast milk
At what age should babies be able to point to pictures and body parts, and be able to throw balls overhand?
2 years old
What type of agents are used to vaccinate against these diseases?
a. influenza, HAV, IPV
b. tetanus, diphtheria
c. HBV, pertussis
d. HIB, PVC7
e. OPV, MMR, Rotavirus, VZV
a. killed
b. toxoid
c. component
d. Conjugated polysaccharide
e. live attenuated
When does the moro reflex appear and disappear?
- appears at birth
- disappears at 4 months
Medication in pediatrics is based on what?
What is the most common factor contributing to an inadequate intake of nutrients that may lead to failure to thrive?
Failure to thrive is seen mostly in what age group?
6-12 mo
If the patient has severe failure to thrive and needs inpatient refeeding. What do you need to monitor and why?
- Electrolytes
- refeeding syndrome (electrolyte imbalance)
What is the MOST common etiology of failure to thrive?
-Not enough intake
What is the expected walking capabilities at the following ages?
6-7 month
7-10 month
8-11 month
11-15 month
6-7 month = commando crawl
7-10 month = crawl
8-11 month = cruise
11-15 month = walk
2 years old should be able to say how many different words and phrases how long?
- 48+ words
- 2-3 word phrases
What medication should be avoided in new borns as it can displace bilirubin and increase jaundice?
What report should be sent to DCF within 48hrs if you have suspicion of abuse or neglect?
Routine annual vaccination recommended for all aged what and over?
aged 6 and over
At what age should the baby be able to sit without a head lag, roll both ways and babble consonants?
6 months old
What vaccines are contraindicated in patients who have severe allergy to egg white?
At what age should the baby have their first steps and be able to perform a fine pincer grasp
12 months old
In infants, the probability of dying in the first year of life in US is the same as what?
that of dying between 59-60 y/o