Intinate Partner Violence Flashcards
IPV refers to:
any behaviour within an intimate relationship that causes physical, emotional or sexual abuse or controlling behaviours.
Women vs men in IVP:
- EQUAL Proportions of men and women victims of spousal violence (4% each)
- Women 3X more likely to have serious injury.
- 80% of victims reporting to police were women.
LGBTQ2 unique issues with IPV:
- Bisexual significantly more likely to experience IPV, physical injuries du to IPV.
- Transgender greater risk of lifetime physical abuse by partner.
Risk factors: Individual:
- Prior experience of IPV
- Exposure or acceptance of violence
- Alcohol use (perpetrator)
- Low level of education
- Dependance/disability, indigenous
- Pregnancy (first offence)
Risk factors: Relational:
- Conflict in couple, financial stressors
- Male dominance or who having multiple partners
- Woman with greater educational attainment.
Risk factors: Society:
- Poverty, low socio-economic status
- Gender inequality social norm, weak legal sanction
Cycle of Violence:
Tension Building
Calm (honeymoon phase)
Perpetrator Typology: 4 types
Intimate Terrorism
Situational Violence
Violent Resistance
Mutual Violence
Perpetrator behaviors to control and to have the power:
Using coercion and threats
Using emotional, economic or sexual abuse
Using isolation
Using intimidation
Using children
Minimizing, denying and blaming
Using male privilege (act as the master of the castle)
Reason for IPV stays:
Financial dependency Fear for her and family safety Low self-esteem Hope for change Isolation Lack of knowledge of existing resources
The role of the nurses:
The role of the nurses: Assessment:
Ask the question (Nurses should always ask in routine universal screening for all females 12 y. and older.)
Acknowledge the abuse
Validate the individual’s experience
Attitudes of the nurses:
Respect the autonomy, belief in the account and recognize that the process must be done at her own pace and directed by her decisions.
How to ask the question:
Because IPV is really common, I routinely ask to all my patient about it, may I ask you a couple of questions?
The role of the nurses: Counseling and Referal
Assess immediate safety
Explore options and offer support
Refer to services at woman’s request or ask permission to refer to another resource person.
Educate on the serious health effects of the abuse
Safety checklist:
- How much contact and type of abuse
- Nature of contact and level of fear
- Pattern of escalation
- Significant events (eg. at departure, the risk is greatest)
- Support Networks
Safety plan:
- Tell someone
- Emergency list of phone numbers and knowing by heart
- Escape route (where to not be found)
- Suitcase somewhere safe (cannot be found by the abuser)
- Copy of essential documents
Documentation needs to include:
- A safety check
- Direct quotations
- Direct observations
- Referrals discussed and made/or info given.
When do we report an abuse?
No mandatory obligation to report to police
Strategies to prevent IPV at the individual level:
-Learn and model attitudes and behaviors valuing healthy, respectful, non-violent relationship.
Strategies to prevent IPV at the relationship level:
- Give people skills to solve conflicts, manage emotions and respect a partner’s right to autonomy
- Encourage witnesses to intervene if a conflict escalates between dating partners or spouses.
Strategies to prevent IPV at the community level:
- Implement bystander prevention strategies that are evidence based
- Partner with groups across sectors to foster relationships that are healthy, safe and non-violent.
Strategies to prevent IPV in the Societal level:
- Create and promote policies supporting positive relationships and healthy sexuality
- Enforce laws protecting respectful, non-violent relationship.
Prenventing IPV approach:
Social-emotional learning program for youth
Healthy relationship program for couples
Men and boys as allies in prevention
Early childhood home visitation
Parenting skill and family relationship program
Preschool enrichment with family engagement
Improve school, workplace climate and safety
Strengthen financial security and work-family support
Victim-centered services
housing program
support for survivors.
Victim characteristics of physical and psychological abuse:
- “young” elderly (65-74)
- Married, living with others
- Poor emotional health
- Social isolated, very few confidantes
Victim characteristics of Sexual abuse:
- Dependence on caregivers, expecially for intimate care
- Living alone
- Decreased mobility/ability to defend
Victim characteristics of Material abuse/exploitation:
- Unmarried or wisdowed/divorced
- Living alone
- Problems with money
- Inadequate social supports
- Activities limited by health or depression
Victim characteristics of Neglect:
- Older elderly (80y.o and more)
- Widowed
- Disabled mentally or physically
- Dependent on caregivers
- Often live with person neglecting them
Perpetrator caracteristic of physical and psychological abuse:
- Spouses or relatives
- History of severe mental illness
- recent decline in physical health
- Alcohol or substance abuse, especially during incident
- Dependent on/living with victim
- Experienced recent stress
- Increase legal problems
Perpetrator caracteristic of Sexual abuse:
- Almost all male
- 11% care providers
- 26% strangers
- 23% family
- 15% partner
Perpetrator caracteristic of Material abuse/exploitation:
- Younger, distant relatives, or non-relatives
- Physical or emotional problems
- Alcohol abuse
- Do not live with victim but financially dependent on victims
Perpetrator caracteristic of neglect:
- Male or female caregivers (family or unrelated)
- Have experienced losses in own support system
- See victim as stressor