International Humanitarian Law Definitions Flashcards
What is Humanitarian Law?
Humanitarian Law is an international set of rules that aims to limit the effects of war and armed conflict on members of the armed forces and on civilians.
When does it apply?
It only applies to situations in which there is armed conflict, and it applies to all sides regardless of who started it or who is soon to be right or wrong.
A Humanitarian Act
An act performed by a person to protect life or the human dignity of someone who he or she may not know or would not ordinarily be inclined to help or protect.
Human Dignity
It is an idea that supports the right to be valued, respected, and to receive ethical treatment all times.
Armed Conflict
A state of open armed (use of weapons), often prolonged conflict carried on between nations, states or parties.
Civil War
It is between organized groups within the same state or country. The aim of one side may be to take control of the country. The aim of one side may be to take control of the country or a region, to achieve independence for a region or to change government policies.
Crimes Against Humanity
These are certain acts that are deliberately committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian or an identifiable part of a civilian population.
The deliberately killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.
Prisoner of War
A person who is captured and held by an enemy during war, especially a member of the armed forces.
A person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster.
The Geneva Conventions
The Geneva Conventions are rules that tell countries at war how to treat wounded and captured enemy forces and civilians. They were signed in Geneva, Switzerland, by representatives of many countries.
War Crime
An act carried out during the conduct of a war that violates accepted international rules of war.
Justice is the use of power, as appointed by law, honour or standards to support fair treatment and due reward.
The Rule of Law
Rule of law is a legal maxim that suggests that no one is above the law and governmental decisions must be made only by applying known legal and moral principles.
The International Criminal Court
This court has the jurisdiction to prosecute individuals for the international crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes.
An official pardon for people who have been convicted of offences.