Internal Parasitology II Flashcards
thorny headed worm
DH: fish, birds, mammals, amphibians, reptiles
IH: arthropods
TO: intestine
transmission: ingestion of IH or paratenic host
spiny proboscis attaches to intestine lining and creates ulcers and perforations
aka tapeworm
segmented flatworm
small and oval shaped
some have thick walls
sometimes mistaken for coccidia
hooks are visible
Taenia spp.
DH: cats and dogs
IH: rabbits and rodents
TO: small intestine
larval stage
DH: carnivores and omnivores
IH: herbivores
infections in US are rare
zoonotic: significant disease/death in humans
larval stage= hydatid cyst
Dipylidium caninum
DH: dogs and cats
IH: fleas
eggs found in packets within proglottid
gravid proglottids crawl out of anus
flea larva eat eggs
cysticercus develop within flea
DH is infected by ingesting adult flea
one segment of a tapeworm that contains female and male reproductive organs
what are the 3 parasitic stages of Dipylidium caninum
- ova/proglottids in feces
- cysticercus in flea
- adult in DH
Anoplocephala spp
DH: equids
IH: pasture mite
similar life cycle to other tapeworms
round or D-shaped
Monezia spp
DH: ruminants worldwide
IH: mite
aka flukes
unsegmented flatworms
anterior and ventral suckers for attachment in host
DH: dogs, cats, ruminants
IH: usually more than one
snails usually 1st
frogs or fish 2nd
some are zoonotic
ID: large, oval, operculated ova
zoonotic: causes schistosomiasis in humans (swimmer’s itch)
paragonimus kellicotti life cycle
1. infected feces mixes with body of water and eggs hatch in a ciliated form (miracidium)
2. penetrates 1st IH and develops into sporocyst
3. forms a cercaria through sexual reproduction
4. infects 2nd IH and develops into encysted metacercaria
5. final host (DH) ingests 2nd IH and becomes infected
TO: lungs
fasciola hepatica
DH: ruminants
IH: snail
transmission: ingestion
TO: liver
sheep are especially susceptible and die from it
single celled with 1 or more nuclei
direct fecal to look for giardia
locomotion: flagella, cilia, pseudopodia, undulatory ridges
ID: small, view with 10x or 40x
coccidian types
isospora, eimeria, toxoplasma, cryptosporidia, sarcocystis