Internal factors- ethnicity Flashcards
Positive labelling for students other than black pupils would mean that they get in trouble less and supported more meaning that they are not excluded and are in school so have opportunity to do bettter
- Jenny bourne (1994)
found that schools tend to see black boys as a threat which lead to negative labelling and mean they weren’t getting a good quality of education as they were excluded more
- advantage
-white pupils would get put into higher sets where better teachers were provided for them
- higher tiered papers, more attention would mean they can reach their full potential and have the opportunity to do better
- Peter foster (1990)
- teachers stereotyped black pupils as badly behaved so they were placed in lower sets
- led to them being capped and could not reach their full potential
Ethnocentric curriculum
Stephen ball (1994)
- national curriculum ignores ethic diversity and promotes little englandism
- means more white pupils see themselves as superior and have more confidence
Ethnocentric curriculum
Bernard Coard (1971)
- curriculum presents civilisation to the people they colonised
- shows black people being presented as inferior which could bring about underachievement due to self esteem being lowered