- Mistakenly - numerical minority
- In some cases, minority groups are numeric minorities…
- EX: First Nations in Canada = 4.9% of the population (Statistics Canada, 2016)
- BUT numeracy is not sufficient for classification
Ratios of study focus - Majority/Minority
- MAJ: 72.3%, MIN: 20.3%
- More research has focused on how contact reduces prejudice for majority status group members
- Ignoring half of the equation is a severe oversight/overlook
- Expecting people who have been the targets of prejudice to carry the burden of it & solving it
We can classify majority/minority along several dimensions (4)
- Political affiliation
- Social economic status
- Numeracy
- Representation
EX: First nations are not only the numerical minority, but also social, economic, and political
What is a “Minority”
- Mistakenly - numerical minority
- In some cases, minority groups are numeric minorities…
(EX: First Nations in Canada = 4.9% of the population (Statistics Canada, 2016)) - But numeracy is not sufficient for classification
How do we classify majority/minority groups?
- Political affiliation
- Social economic status
- Numeracy
- Representation
- EX: First nations are not only the numerical minority, but also social, economic, and political
Why is prejudice reduction from contact weaker for minority groups?
- Minority group members might naturally report more contact with majority than the other way around…
- EX: existing in a white world
- So contact may have already reduced their prejudice?
- In some instances, minority group members do report more contact
Does NEGATIVE contact reduce prejudice for minority groups?
- In some instances, minorities and majorities experience similar negative contact
- In others, minorities experience MORE negative intergroup contact
- In some instances, probabilistically, minority groups do have more contact with majority groups than the other way around
- On average, majority and minority groups have similar amounts of intergroup contact
- However, it is possible that minority groups have more negative intergroup contact experiences.
Why do minority groups have more negative intergroup contact experiences?
- 2 very different levels of threat experience:
- Majority and Minority groups have different challenges after conflict
- Majority: concerns about seeming prejudiced
- Minority: becoming targets of prejudice
Minority Groups in the Context of Prejudice (3)
- Minority groups have a history of being on the wrong side of the outcomes of prejudice, racism, conflict, etc.
- Given modern, symbolic, implicit, blatant, institutional, and cultural racism…
- Their contact is likely to be influenced by the history of conflict and prejudice
Individuals of minority groups are… (7)
1: Aware of their devalued status
- If a black person were to say it’s racist, it’s racist.
2: More likely to be perceived and evaluated in terms of their devalued status
3: Constant threat of becoming targets of prejudice / discrimination
4: Receive inferior treatment
5: Less satisfied with efforts to achieve intergroup equality
- EX: “efforts” towards reconciliation
6: Less likely to view it as equal status
- Kind of supports Williams approach to equal status (doesn’t necessarily disapprove Allport’s)
7: Perceive greater racial discrimination against their own group
Intergroup contact can realistically…
…highlight status differences
Minority groups & discrimination (2)
- Perceive greater racial discrimination against their own group
- Greater perceived discrimination leads to worse intergroup attitudes for minority group individuals, but not majority group individuals
Who does contact work best for?
- We see that contact works most for those who need it - if they’re a majority group member
- But this discrimination stunts the positive effects for minority groups
- Minority group members perceive more discrimination against their group than do majority group members
- Perceived discrimination can poison future positive contact experiences
- Perceived discrimination can also augment the negative effects of future negative interactions