Integument (W2.2) Flashcards
Arrector pili
smooth muscle; pulls hair up
Hair of the dog
compound follicle with single primary hair and group of secondary hairs
Types of hair
bristle, guard, tactile
Bristle hair
cilia, vibrissae (eye lashes)
Guard hair
outer topcoat
Tactile hair
(sensory) lips, chin, cheek, around eyes (whiskers)
Merocrine sweat gland
type of gland that packages their secretions into granular units and release them via exocytosis as they are manufactured
Eccrine sweat gland
type of sweat glands consists of a simple coiled tube located in the dermis or hypodermis; connected to the surface of the skin; connected to the surface of the skin by a long duct
Apocrine sweat gland
type of sweat gland with excretory portion buried in the dermis/hypodermis with a single excretory duct; glands empty into hair follicles
Mammary Gland
modified sweat gland (teat + canal + Opening)
specialized skin glands, produce colostrum and milk, found on both males and females
External Pudendal
mammary artery ; bifurcates into cranial/caudal mammary branches at base of udder
Milk Veins
Large vein of ventral abdomen (drain blood back to body)
Bitch # Mammary Glands
Queen # Mammary Glands
Cow # Mammary Glands
4 (2 quarters on each side) (udder)