Initial nursing assessment Flashcards
Give some examples of information that we need for a patient
- usual mobility
- normal behaviour
- medication
- allergies / GA reactions
what are the two ways you can take a clinical history?
- pre appointment questionnaire
- in person questions
what physical examination do you need to do when you admit a patient?
- mentation/behaviour
- eyes
- thorax/HR/RR
-mm/ crt - lymph nodes
- weight
- abdomen
- genitals
- skin/coat
- limbs
what is blepharospasm?
blinking lots or squinting
what is protopsis?
protruding/bulging eyes
what is aniscoria?
uneven pupils
what lymph nodes are small but able to be felt?
- Submandibular
- prescapular
- popliteal
what lymph nodes is it abnormal to palpate?
- axillary
- inguinal
what would a yellow mm colour indicate?
- liver disease
- haeemolysis
what would a pale/white mm colour indicate?
- blood loss
- anaemia
- shock
what would a brick red mm colour indicate?
- sepsis
- hyperthermia
what would a blue mm colour indicate?
- severe hypoxaemia
what is a normal hr for a dog, cat, rabbit, and gpig?
dog - 70-140
cat - 100-200
rabbit - 130-325
gpig - 230-380
what is a normal RR for a dog, cat, rabbit, and gpig?
dog - 10-30
cat - 20-30
rabbit - 30-60
gpig - 90-150
what is a normal temperature for a dog, cat, rabbit, gpig?
dog - 38.3-39.2
cat - 38.2-38.6
rabbit - 38.5-40
gpig - 37.2-39.5
what clinical signs should be recorded?
- medications
- procedures
- food and water intake
- urine and faeces output
- clinical signs
what is pyrexia?
what is hyperthermia?
- high core temperature without change in the set point of hypothalamic thermoregulatory centre
what is hypothermia?
- low body temperature
what does hypokinetic means?
a weak pulse seen in shock and congestive heart failure
what does pulse deficit mean?
the absence of palpable pulse waves in a peripheral artery for one or more heart beats
what does pollakiuria mean?
frequent abnormal urination
what does polyuria means?
excessive or abnormally large amount of urine
what does stranguria means?
painful, frequent urination
what does dysuria mean?
- difficulty in urination
what does anuria mean?
- cessation of the production of urine
what does haematuria?
blood in urine
what is tachycardia?
increased heart rate
what is bradycardia?
decreased heart rate
what is tachypnoea?
slow RR
what is bradypnoea?
Slow RR
what is dyspnoea?
obstruction in breathing
what is apnoea?
cessation in breathing
what is cheyne-stokes?
alternating periods of deep rapid and shallow breaths, usually before death
what is orthopnoea?
respiratory distress when in lateral recumbency
what is paradoxical respiration?
thoracic walls inward on inspiration and outwards at expiration caused by increased abdominal effort
what is haematochezia?
fresh blood in faeces
what is melena?
old blood in faeces
what is dyschezia?
difficulty in defecating