Infestations and Bites Flashcards
Distance of nits from the scalp
Tells you how long the pt has had lice
The bug in lice
Pedicuclosis capitis
Key symptom of lice
Tx of lice
Permethrin, Ivermectin, burning clothing/bedding, washing in hot water
Larvae (maggots) from flies
What do you use to see scabies microscopically?
Mineral oil prep
Manifestation of scabies
Pruritis, burrows, usually webs of fingers, groin, flexor wrists, axilla, areolae (spaces face/scalp unless infant or immunocompromised)
Tx of scabies
Permethrin, lindaine, sulfur ointment, ivermectin
Clinical manifestation of bed bugs
Breakfast, lunch, and dinner, vectors for Hep B
Manifestation of Chagas disease
Tend to bite face “kissing bug”; unilateral eyelid edema (Romana sign)
Appearance of reduviid bugs (Chagas)
Tiger striped abdomen
Manifestation of fleas
Pruritic papules and vesicles on lower extremities, they jump!
Lone star tick appearance
White or red patch in center
Ixodes deer tick appearance
Has a yellow outline of abdomen
Dermacentor - American dog tick appearance
Has a white pattern on back