Infections On Surfaces Flashcards
What is our relationship with the mircorganisms on our skin?
We have a mutalistic relationship with the mircorgansims on our skin, particularly in the moist areas, and fibronectin covers the epithelial surfaces and is a strong protectant against gram positive organisms
What are some of the virsuses that are commonly found on your skin?
Herpes simplex, involved in the development of things suhc as cold sores and papilloma, which is involved in the development of warts and verucas
What are some of the gram postive bacteria that are commonly found on your skin?
Staph aureus( has cogaulase activity, resulting in localised clotting and stoping the entry of neutrophils), cogulase negative staphylococci ( asssoicated with infections of devices) and cornyebacteium
What are the gram negative organisms that are commonly found on your skin?
Enterobacteria, such as ecoli and salmonella
What are some of the fungi that are commonly found on skin?
Yeasts such as candida, and dermatophytes which can cause itching and scaling skin infections
What are some of the external natural surface infections?
Gastroenteritis, conjuctivitis, celullitis, paharngaitis, and UTI and pnuemonia
What are some of the examples of internal natural surface infections?
Ostomyletits, epmoea endocarditis, vaculitie, septic arthitis
What are some fo the examples of prostheic surface infections?
Prostehthic joints, peritoneal dialysis cathethers, intravascular lines, cardiac valves, pacing wires, and endovascular grafts, and ventricular peritoneal shunts.
What are some of the organisms that can cause negative valve endocarditis greater than 1 year post op?
Virdans streptococcus, enterococcus feacilis, staph aureus, HACEk group and candida
What are some of the organisms that can cause prosthetic valve endocarditis less than 1 year post op?
Cogualse negative staphlyococci
What are some of the organisms that cause cause prostheic valve infections?
Usually cogualase negative staphyloccis, or staphyloccous aureus
What are some of the organisms that can cause cardiac pacing wire endocarditis?
Cogulase negative staphylocci, or staphyloccous aureus
What are some of the features that allow adhesion to the host cells at the prostheic surfaces?
Can involve the pillir and fimbrae, and when a epitheal surface is damaged can produce fibronectin, which can be a site for bacteria to establish adeherance
What is quorum sensing?
Co- ordinate gene expression realted to the local poopilation density and a system of responses that is correlated to the gene expression of bacteria
What does quroum sensing control?
Biofilm production, sporutularion and virulence factor secretion
What are the three principles of qourum sensing?
Signalling molecules, autoregualtion, cell sirface cles, adn co operative gene expression
What are the main principles of the management of surface infections?
You use blood cultures to identify the infecting organisms and its antimircobial suspectibility,
What are some of the challenges regarding the treatment of surface infections?
Low metabolic activity of the biofilm, there is poor antibacterial penetration into the bioflom , and there are dangers and diffuculties surrounding the surgery
How do you prevent infections on natural surfaces?
You maintian the surface intergrity, prevent the bacteiral surface from colonsiing, and remove the colonising bacteira
How do you prevent infections on proestheic surfaces?
Removing the colonising bacteria, inhibition of the surface colonisation, and preventing the colonisation