Antimircobials Flashcards
How would you classify antimircobials?
Antibacterial, anitfungal, antiviral and antiprotozaol agents
How can you classify antibacterial agent?
Bctericidial (able to kill bacteria) or bacteriostatic (inhibits bacteria) spectrum, either broad or narrow, target site and the mechanism of action and the chemical structure
What are the ideal features of antimircobial agents?
Selectively toxic, few adverse effects, read site of infection, and oral or IV formulation and a long half life, and no interferance with other drugs
What are the different classess of antibacterials and their mechansim of action?
Cell wall synthesis (beta lactams and glycopeptides) protein synthesis, terocyitnes, aminoglycosides, and cell membrane function polymixins and nucleic acid synthesis quiones
How does penecillin function?
Penecillin binding protein has a function wihtin a cell, cross links two parts of the cell wall, and pencillin stops the protein doing its job
How does vancomyicin function?
Active against gram positive organisms, sits on the cross linking chains and prevents penecillin binding protein doing its job to form the cross links
How do fluroquinolones and syprofloxin function?
Nucleic acid synthesis disruption inbitis two enzymes, topoisomerase and DNA gyrase that deal with the replication of the nucleic acid, and stops the organisms multiplying
What are the overall mecahansims of resistance that bacteria may develop?
Drug inactivating enzymes, genetic basis of antibiotic resistance, and horzinontal gene transfer, altered target and altered uptake
How does the genetic transfer of resistance mechanisms work?
Horziontal gene transfer transfers the resistance mecahnism, and has a genetic basis that is embedded in chromosomes, and can be embedded in other bacteria by conjugation, transduction, and transformation
What is the process that is used to measure antibiotic activity?
There is filter paper with a antibiotic in it, and when it diffuses out from disks this inhibits the growth of the bacteria and the size of the zone correlates with the resistance
Name some of the beta lactam antimircobials?
Pencillins= benzympencillins, amaxocllin, fluxocillin, and co amaxoillin
Ceplalsporins- celfleaxin 1st celfatrioxine 3rd,
What are the pencillins mainly active againsnt?
Gram positive organisms including the streptococci.
Penicllin is mainly activite against streptococci, whereas the fluoxacillin is active against the staphylococci and the streptococci,
What are some of the feautres of amoxcillin?
Mainly active agaisnt gram positives but also has some activity agaisnt gram negatives.
What are some of the features of the celphasporins?
Are part of the beta lactam groups, and have a broader spectrum than most that includes some gram negtaives, but have no activity against anaerobes- important example is cetratrioxone
What are some of the features of cefratrixone?
Has good activity in the CSF therefore is used in the treatment of meningitis, however there are worries about the association of the organism with candidia