Personal Protective Barriers (CHAPT. 12)
Wearing gloves at chairside prevents microbes from entering the body through?
Mucous membranes
Heavy utility gloves should be used?
for all intraoral procedures
Mask should be used?
when spattering of contaminated fluids is possible
A mask should be replaced when ?
you’re heading to lunch (before lunch break)
The last protective barrier that should be put on before procedures are?
The most common type of skin reaction to gloves are?
Latex allergy
When having to leave a procedure to attend other needs or instruments, what should be removed and replaced before returning back to the procedure?
Wet mask should be changed because?
It causes more air to enter around the edges.
Wearing gloves as a dental personnel protects?
dental personnel and patients
The mechanism of allergic contact dermatitis is the same as?
the reaction to poison ivy
Powder-free gloves are used when?
to the limit the spread of latex protein allergens
protective eyewear should have?
solid side shields
Surgical N95 Respirators used dentistry should be FDA cleared and certified by the?