In which locations do most out-of-hospital cardiac arrests occur?
Which is the most common cause of cardiac arrest in children ?
Respiratory failure or shock
What is the third link in the adult out-of-hospital Chain of Survival ?
Compression - to - Ventilation Ratio
30 compressions to 2 breaths
Compression Depth
Compress the chest at least 2 inches
Chest Recoil
allow the chest to reexpand completely after each compression. allows blood to flow into the heart
Opening the Airway
Head tilt- chin lift
jaw thrust
Head tilt - chin lift
- Place one hand on the victim forehead and push with your palm to tilt the head back
- Place the fingers of the other hand under the bony part of the lower jaw, near the chin
- Lift the jaw to bring the chin forward
Jaw Thrust
- position at the victims head
- Place one hand on each side of the victims head.
- place fingers under the angle of the victims lower jaw
- If the victims lips close, push the lower lip with your thumbs
pocket mask
for mouth to mouth breaths
Bag- mask devices
provides a positive - pressure ventilation to a victim who is not breathing or or not breathing normally
CPR Coach does ?
- Coordination to start CPR
- Improve the quality of chest compressions
3.state midrange targets - minimize the length of pauses in compressions
What is the first action you should take if a man collapses in front of you and is unresponsive ?
Verify that the scene is safe for you and the victim
If the victim gives no response after asking “ are they okay?”, what should you do first ?
Shout out for nearby help
You notice the victim is gasping for air and making snorting sounds. you do not feel a pulse. what is the best next action ?
Start high-quality CPR, starting with chest compressions.
What is the ratio of chest compressions to breaths when providing CPR to an adult?
30 compressions and 2 breaths
what are the rate and depth for chest compressions on an adult?
A rate of 100 to 120 compressions per minute and depth of at least 2 inches
What actions should you take when more rescuers arrive ?
Assign tasks to other rescuers, rotate compressions every 2 minutes or frequently as needed
If you suspect a victim experiences a head or neck trauma, what is the preferred method for opening the airway?
Jaw thrust
What is CCF?
Portion of time that the rescuers perform chest compressions during CPR
What is the most appropriate first step to take as soon as the AED arrives at the victim’s side ?
Apply the pads pf the AED
Which step is one of the universal steps for operating an AED?
Placing the pads on a victim’s bare chest
If a victim of cardiac arrest has an implanted peacemaker or defibrillator, what special steps should you take?
Avoid placing the AED pad directly over the implanted device
What action should you take while the AED is analyzing the heart rhythm?
Stand clear of the victim