Hand Hygiene (CHAPT. 11)
The first handwashing of the day involves the use of?
a soft brush to clean nails
When should you use an alcohol-based rub?
Only if no soil is visible on the hands
What bacteria on the hands are most important in spreading disease?
Those that live on the hands permanently
Which microorganisms are removed by routine handwashing?
Transient Flora
What hand hygiene substance has a prolonged effect?
plain soap
CDC stated that what antibacterial hand hygiene substance acts the fastest?
Performing Hand hygiene before gloving prevents?
kills all of the resident and transient skin flora
The cold is spread by?
contaminated hands
When should you use an alcohol-based hand rub during a surgical scrub?
After handwashing with nonantibacterial soap
Why do we NOT “ just top off the soap” when refilling the soap dispenser?
Topping off will spread contamination inside the soap dispenser which will affect the new soap that’s been applied