Indian freedom struggle Flashcards
Factors in Growth of modern nationalism?
- understandg of contradictions in INdian and colonial interests
- Political, administrative and economic unification of the country incl T&C
- western thought and education
- modern concepts of equality and liberty
- common language link- English
- Press and literature: in 1877, abt 170 newspapers in vernacular languages with a circulation of 100000+; also helped spread ideas of democracy, self-govt, rights etc.
- rediscovery of India’s past: elaborated in next FC
- socio-religious reform movements brought different sections together
- rise of middle class intelligentsia: provided leadership to INC initially
- worldwide upsurge of natinalism and self-determination concepts starting frm French revolution, liberation movements of Greece and Italy and Ireland
- reactionary policies and Racial arrogance of Rulers: elaborated in next to next FC
Factors in Growth of modern nationalism: rediscovery of India’s past?
- European scholars:
- Max ueller
- Monier Williams
- Roth and sassoon
- indian scholars
- RG bhandarkar
- RL Mitra
- Swami vivekananda
- self-respect and belief in Indian past
Factors in Growth of modern nationalism: reactionary policies and Racial arrogance of Rulers?
- Lytton’s reactionary policies like
- redn of max age limit fr ICS frm 21->19 (1876)
- Grand Delhi Durbar of 1877 whilst India was suffering frm famine
- vrnacular Press act, 1878
- Arms act 1878
- Ilbert Bill controversy: became clear to INdians that justice and fair play cannot be expected of british; also the organised agitation by Europeans to revoke Ilbert Bill also taught nationalists how to agitate fr certain rights and demands
Pre-Congress Political Associations in bengal?
- Bangabhasha Prakasika Sabha
- Zamindari Association aka Landholders’ Society
- Bengal british India Society
- East INdia Association
- British Indian association
- INdia League
- Indiaan Association
Bangabhasha Prakasika Sabha?
- 1836
- by associates of Raja Ram mohan Roy
- topics connected with policy and admin
- used petitions
Zamindari association?
- aka Landholers’ Society
- founder: Dwarkanath Tagore along with Prasanna Kumar Tagore, Radhakanta Deb, Ramkamal Sen and Bhabani Charan Mitra
- 1830
- Calcutta
- marks th beginning of consti agitation and organised political activity
- obj:
- securing a halt to the resumption of rent-free tenures
- an extension of the permanent settlement of land all over India
- reform of the judiciary, the police and the revenue departments was also on its agenda.
British India Society?
- founded in 1839 in London with the efforts of William Adam, one of the friends of Raja Ram Mohan Roy.
- other supporters: George Thompson, William Ednis, and Major General Briggs.
- In 1841, this society started printing a newspaper “British Indian Advocate“
Bengal british India Society?
- 1843
- obj:
- The idea was to secure the welfare, and advance the interests of all classes, in pure loyalty to the government of the reigning sovereign of the British dominions.
- collection and dissemination of info abt actual conditions of people in british India
- use consti menas to secure welfare of all classes
- founder: George Thomson
- merged with Landholders’ society in 1851 to frm British Indian Association
- 2nd political org after Landholders’ society
British Indian association?
- 1851
- by merger of Landholders’ Society and Bengal British India Society
- thus, dominated by membrs of landed aristocracy with aim to safeguard their class interests
- Devendranath Tagore
- demands sent to british Parliament
- estab a separate legis of popular chracter
- executive-judicial fns separation
- reduction in salaries of higher officers
- abolition of salt duty, abkari and stammp duties
- partially accepted when, charter act of 1853, provided fr addition of 6 members fr legislative purposes to Viceroy’s executive council
East Indian association?
- estab by some Indian students in London on 1 October 1866 on initiative of Dadabhai Naoroji.
- backgrnd: In 19th century, many Indian students needed to go to England to qualify for the bar or the Covenanted Civil Service.
- Four such students viz. Pherozeshah Mehta, Badruddin Tyabji, W. C. Bonnerjee and Manmohan Ghose had established the London Indian Society in 1865, on advice of dadabhai Naoroji
- key activities of the London Indian Society were to
- discuss the Indian political, social and literary subjects
- formulate the Indian grievances
- to counter the misrepresentations from India in English press.
- The London Indian Society was thus the first Indian organization to cross the border and formed abroad
- In 1866, it was superseded by East Indian association
India League?
- 1875
- Sisir Kumara Ghosh and Sambhu Charan Mukherjee
- to stimulate sense of natinalism among people; political edu
Indian association aka Indian National Association?
- most imp pre-Congress association; first avowed nationalist organization founded in British India
- superseded the India League
- 26th July 1876
- by anand Mohan Bose and surendranath bannerjee
- originally established as Bharat Sabha and held its first annual conference in Calcutta
- against the conservative and pro-landlord policies of british India association
- obj:
- create a strong public opinion on political questions
- involve nt only middle class bt also the masses,thus membership fee kept low
- branches outside Bengal too
- objected to redn of min age frm 21 to 19 and organised indian Civil Services Agitation
- merged with INC in Dec 1886
Indian society?
- Anand Mohan Bose
- 1872
- London
National indian association?
- founded in 1870
- by Mary Carpenter (Biographer of ramMohan roy) in Bristol, with the assistance of Keshub Chunder Sen.
- The organization’s full name was originally ‘National Indian Association in Aid of Social Progress in India’.
- initial aim of the association was to encourage female education in India. They also sought to educate and inform the British about Indian affairs
Pre-Congress political association in bombay?
- Bombay Association
- Bombay Presidency Association
- Poona Sarvajanik Sabha
Bombay Association?
- on lines of British India Association of Calcutta
- Aug 1852
- Jagannath Shankar Seth
Bombay Presidency Association?
- reactionary policies of Lytton and Illbert Bill Controversy led to
- 1885
- by the ‘Brothers in law’ representing the 3 chief communities of bombay :
- Pherozeshah mehta
- Badruddin Tyabji
- K.T.Telang
Poona sarvajank Sabha?
- at Poona
- by Just MG Ranade, Ganesh Vasudeo Joshi, S. H. Chiplunkar
- 1867
- obj: to serve as bridge betn people and govt
- worked in collab with Bombay Presidency Association
Pre-Congress political association in Madras?
- Madras Native Association
- Madras Mahajan Sabha
Madras Native Association?
- set up as branch of Britishh india Association of Calcutta
- Feb 1852
- GL chetty
- very little impact as it was run by officials
Madras Mahajan Sabha?
- by
- M. viraraghavchari
- G. Subramanya Iyer
- Ananda Charlu
- P Rangayya naidu
- may 1884
- demanded expansion of legislative councils with rep fr Indians
pre-congress campaign topics?
- for imposition of import duty on cotton 1875
- Indianisation of govt services-1878
- against Lytton’s afghan adventure
- against Arms act, VPA
- fr right to join volunteer corps
- against plntation labor and against inland Emigration act
- in support of Illbert bill
- fr an All india fund fr Political agitation
- campaign in Britain to vote fr pro-India party
- against redn in max age fr ICS
INC: predecessor?
Indian natinal Conference
- set up by Surendranath Bannerjee and Ananda Mohan Bose
- held two sessions in 1883and 1885
first session of INC?
- Bombay
- WomeshChandra bannerjee
- 72 delegates