guv-gen, Indian newspapers and trade workers movements Flashcards
Warren hastings?
- RA 1773; act of 1781;Pitt’s India act 1784
- Rohilla war 1774
- first Anglo-Maratha war1775-82; Treaty of salbai (1782)
- Second Mysore war (1780-84)
- conflict with Chait Singh, raja of Benares; led to his subsequent impeachment
- asiatic society of bengal (1784)
Lord cornwallis?
- Third anglo-Mysore war (1790-92); tretay of seringapatam (1792)
- Cornwallis code (1793)- judicial reforms; separation of revenue admin and civil juris
- permanent settlement of bengal 1793
- europeanisation of admin m/c
- intro civil services
Sir John Shore?
- CA, 1793
- battle of Kharda betn Nizam and Maratha 1795
Lord wellesley?
- introduced subsidiary alliance: with Nizam in 1798
- 4th anglo-Mysore war 1799
- took over admin of Tanjore (1799), Surat (1800) and carnatic (1801)
- Treaty of Bassein 1802
- 2nd anglo-maratha war 1803-05
Sir George Barlow?
Vellore mutiny 1806
Lord Minto I
- Tretay of amritsar with ranjit Singh 1809
Lord Hastings?
- Anglo-Nepalese war (1814-16); treaty of Sagauli
- rift with Pindaris (1817)
- traty with Sindhias 1817
- third Anglo-Maratha war 1817-19
- dissolution of Maratha confederacy 1819
- creation of Bombay pesidency 1818
- estab of ryotwwari system by Thomas Munro, Guv of Madras 1820
Lord Amherst?
First anglo-Burmse war 1824-26
annexation of Bharatpur 1826
William bentick?
- abolition of sati and other cruel rites 1829
- suppreesion of thugi 1830
- Charter act of 1833
- resolution of 1835, edu reforms and intro of English as official language
- annexation of Mysore (1831), Coorg (1834) and Central cachar (1834)
- treaty ofperpetual friendship with Ranjit ISngh
- abolition of provincial courts of appeal and circuit set up by Cornwallis; appointment of commisioners of revenue an circuit
Lord metacalfe?
Liberator of Indian press
Lord Auckland?
- Firts afghan war 1838-42
- death of ranjit singh 1839
Lord ellenborough/
- Annexation of Sindh 1843
- war with Gwalior 1843
Lord Hardinge I?
- first anglo-Sikh war 1845-46; treaty of Lahore 1846
- Social reforms incl abolition of female infanticide and human sacrifices
Lord Dalhousie ?
- 2nd Sikh war 1848-49 and annexation of PJ 1849
- annexation of Lower Burma or Pegu 1852
- intro of doctrine of lapse and annexation of satara (1848), Jaitpur and sambhalpur (1849), udaipur (1852), jhansi (1853), nagpur (1854) and awadh (1856)
- wood’s dispatch 1854; opeing of anglo-vernacular schools and govt colleges
- railway minute of 1853; first railway line betn Bombay and Thane in 1853
- Telegraph (4000miles of lines betn Calcutta , bombay, madras and Peshawar) and postal (post office act 1854) reforms
- Ganges canal declared open (1854)
- separate public works deptt estab in every province
- widow remarriage act 1856
Lord canning?
- 3 unis: at calcutta, madras and Bombay in 1857
- 1857 revolt
- transfer of control
- ‘White mutiny’ by European troops in 1859
- ICA 1861
Lord Elgin I?
- Wahabi movement
Lord John Lawrence
- Bhutan war 1865
- HCs at C, B and M 1865
Lord Mayo?
- opening of rajkot clg in Kathiawar and Mayo clg at Ajmer fr political training of indian princes
- estab of SSI
- estab of deptt of commeerce and agri
- intro of state railways
Lord Northbrooke?
- visit of prince of wales 1875
- Trial of Gaekwad of baroda
- Kuka mov in PJ
Lord Lytton?
- Famine of 1876-78 affecting Madras, bombay, Mysore, Hyd, parts of central India and PJ; Famine commission under presidency of Richard Strachey (1878)
- Royal Titles act (1876); Queen victoria assumed title of ‘Kaiser-e-Hind’ i.e. Queen Empress of India
- VPA 1878
- Arms act 1878
- 2nd anglo-afghan war 1878-80
Lord Ripon?
- repeal of VPA
- first factory act 1881 to improve labor conditions
- continuation of financial decentrlisation
- govt resolution on local self-govt 1882
- appointment of edu commission under chairmanship of Sir William Hunter 1882
- Ilbert Bill contro 1883-84
- rendition of Mysore
Lord Dufferin?
- 3rd Burmese war 1885-86
Lord Lansdowne?
- Factory Act 1891
- categorisation of civil services into imperial, provinvial and subordinate
- ICA 1892
- Durand commission fr Durand line betn india and Afghanistan 1893
Lord Elgin II?
- assassination by Chapekar bros 1897
Lord curzon?
- Police commission 1902 under andrew frazer to review police admin
- appointment of uni commission (1902) and passing of Indian uni act 1904
- estab of deptt of commerce and industry
- Calcutta corp act 1899
- ancient monuments Preservation act 1904
- Benga partition 1905
- curzon-Kitchener controversy
- Younghusband’s mission to tibet 1904
Lord minto II?
- INC split
- estab of ML by aga khan in 1906
Lord Hardinge II?
- creation of bengal presidency (like bombay and Madras) in 1911
- capital transfer to Delhi
- estab of Hindu mahasabha 1915 by Madan Mohan Mallviya
- coronation durbar of King George V in Delhi 1911
Lord Chelmsford?
- Home rule leagues
- lucknow pact
- Sabarmati ashram estab 1961
- champaran satyagrah (1916); kheda1918; Ahmedabad 1918
- Montague’s august declaration 1917
- GoI act 1919
- women’s uni at Poona 1916
- saddler’s commission 1917 fr edu reforms
- death of tilak Aug 1st 1920
- SP Sinha first Indian to be appointed as Guv (of Bihar)
Lord reading?
- Moplah rebellion in Kerala 1921
- repeal of press act of 1910 and rowlatt act
- criminal law amendment act
- abolition of cotton excise
- communal riots in Multan, amritsar, delhi, Aligarh, arvi and calcutta
- kakori train robbery 1925
- murder of Swami shraddhanand 1926
- swaraj party estab by C R Das and Motilal Nehru 1922
- decision to hold simultaneous exam fr ICS in Delhi and London frm 1923
Lord Irwin?
Lord Willingdon?
Lord Linlithgow?
Lord wavell?
Lord Mountbatten?
INdian Press: intro?
indian press: acts and regulations?
Censorship of Press act, 1799?
Licensing regulation, 1823?
Charles Metcalfe?
Licensing act 1857?
VPA, 1878?
Act of XXVII of 1870?
Newspaper Act 1908?
Indian Press act 1910?
Indian Press act, 1931?
Press act after independence?
- Press (objectionable matters) act 1951
- Press commission under Sir GS Rajadhyaksha
Indian newspapers and journals: page 1?
- Bengal gazette
- india gazette
- Madras courier
- Bombay Herald
- indian herald
- Digdarshana
- Calcutta journal
- bengal gazette
- Samachar Darpan
Bengal Gazette?
- aka Calcutta General advertiser
- weekly
- 1780
- Calcutta
- by James augustus Hicky