guv-gen, Indian newspapers and trade workers movements Flashcards
Warren hastings?
- RA 1773; act of 1781;Pitt’s India act 1784
- Rohilla war 1774
- first Anglo-Maratha war1775-82; Treaty of salbai (1782)
- Second Mysore war (1780-84)
- conflict with Chait Singh, raja of Benares; led to his subsequent impeachment
- asiatic society of bengal (1784)
Lord cornwallis?
- Third anglo-Mysore war (1790-92); tretay of seringapatam (1792)
- Cornwallis code (1793)- judicial reforms; separation of revenue admin and civil juris
- permanent settlement of bengal 1793
- europeanisation of admin m/c
- intro civil services
Sir John Shore?
- CA, 1793
- battle of Kharda betn Nizam and Maratha 1795
Lord wellesley?
- introduced subsidiary alliance: with Nizam in 1798
- 4th anglo-Mysore war 1799
- took over admin of Tanjore (1799), Surat (1800) and carnatic (1801)
- Treaty of Bassein 1802
- 2nd anglo-maratha war 1803-05
Sir George Barlow?
Vellore mutiny 1806
Lord Minto I
- Tretay of amritsar with ranjit Singh 1809
Lord Hastings?
- Anglo-Nepalese war (1814-16); treaty of Sagauli
- rift with Pindaris (1817)
- traty with Sindhias 1817
- third Anglo-Maratha war 1817-19
- dissolution of Maratha confederacy 1819
- creation of Bombay pesidency 1818
- estab of ryotwwari system by Thomas Munro, Guv of Madras 1820
Lord Amherst?
First anglo-Burmse war 1824-26
annexation of Bharatpur 1826
William bentick?
- abolition of sati and other cruel rites 1829
- suppreesion of thugi 1830
- Charter act of 1833
- resolution of 1835, edu reforms and intro of English as official language
- annexation of Mysore (1831), Coorg (1834) and Central cachar (1834)
- treaty ofperpetual friendship with Ranjit ISngh
- abolition of provincial courts of appeal and circuit set up by Cornwallis; appointment of commisioners of revenue an circuit
Lord metacalfe?
Liberator of Indian press
Lord Auckland?
- Firts afghan war 1838-42
- death of ranjit singh 1839
Lord ellenborough/
- Annexation of Sindh 1843
- war with Gwalior 1843
Lord Hardinge I?
- first anglo-Sikh war 1845-46; treaty of Lahore 1846
- Social reforms incl abolition of female infanticide and human sacrifices
Lord Dalhousie ?
- 2nd Sikh war 1848-49 and annexation of PJ 1849
- annexation of Lower Burma or Pegu 1852
- intro of doctrine of lapse and annexation of satara (1848), Jaitpur and sambhalpur (1849), udaipur (1852), jhansi (1853), nagpur (1854) and awadh (1856)
- wood’s dispatch 1854; opeing of anglo-vernacular schools and govt colleges
- railway minute of 1853; first railway line betn Bombay and Thane in 1853
- Telegraph (4000miles of lines betn Calcutta , bombay, madras and Peshawar) and postal (post office act 1854) reforms
- Ganges canal declared open (1854)
- separate public works deptt estab in every province
- widow remarriage act 1856
Lord canning?
- 3 unis: at calcutta, madras and Bombay in 1857
- 1857 revolt
- transfer of control
- ‘White mutiny’ by European troops in 1859
- ICA 1861
Lord Elgin I?
- Wahabi movement
Lord John Lawrence
- Bhutan war 1865
- HCs at C, B and M 1865
Lord Mayo?
- opening of rajkot clg in Kathiawar and Mayo clg at Ajmer fr political training of indian princes
- estab of SSI
- estab of deptt of commeerce and agri
- intro of state railways
Lord Northbrooke?
- visit of prince of wales 1875
- Trial of Gaekwad of baroda
- Kuka mov in PJ
Lord Lytton?
- Famine of 1876-78 affecting Madras, bombay, Mysore, Hyd, parts of central India and PJ; Famine commission under presidency of Richard Strachey (1878)
- Royal Titles act (1876); Queen victoria assumed title of ‘Kaiser-e-Hind’ i.e. Queen Empress of India
- VPA 1878
- Arms act 1878
- 2nd anglo-afghan war 1878-80
Lord Ripon?
- repeal of VPA
- first factory act 1881 to improve labor conditions
- continuation of financial decentrlisation
- govt resolution on local self-govt 1882
- appointment of edu commission under chairmanship of Sir William Hunter 1882
- Ilbert Bill contro 1883-84
- rendition of Mysore
Lord Dufferin?
- 3rd Burmese war 1885-86
Lord Lansdowne?
- Factory Act 1891
- categorisation of civil services into imperial, provinvial and subordinate
- ICA 1892
- Durand commission fr Durand line betn india and Afghanistan 1893
Lord Elgin II?
- assassination by Chapekar bros 1897
Lord curzon?
- Police commission 1902 under andrew frazer to review police admin
- appointment of uni commission (1902) and passing of Indian uni act 1904
- estab of deptt of commerce and industry
- Calcutta corp act 1899
- ancient monuments Preservation act 1904
- Benga partition 1905
- curzon-Kitchener controversy
- Younghusband’s mission to tibet 1904
Lord minto II?
- INC split
- estab of ML by aga khan in 1906
Lord Hardinge II?
- creation of bengal presidency (like bombay and Madras) in 1911
- capital transfer to Delhi
- estab of Hindu mahasabha 1915 by Madan Mohan Mallviya
- coronation durbar of King George V in Delhi 1911
Lord Chelmsford?
- Home rule leagues
- lucknow pact
- Sabarmati ashram estab 1961
- champaran satyagrah (1916); kheda1918; Ahmedabad 1918
- Montague’s august declaration 1917
- GoI act 1919
- women’s uni at Poona 1916
- saddler’s commission 1917 fr edu reforms
- death of tilak Aug 1st 1920
- SP Sinha first Indian to be appointed as Guv (of Bihar)
Lord reading?
- Moplah rebellion in Kerala 1921
- repeal of press act of 1910 and rowlatt act
- criminal law amendment act
- abolition of cotton excise
- communal riots in Multan, amritsar, delhi, Aligarh, arvi and calcutta
- kakori train robbery 1925
- murder of Swami shraddhanand 1926
- swaraj party estab by C R Das and Motilal Nehru 1922
- decision to hold simultaneous exam fr ICS in Delhi and London frm 1923
Lord Irwin?

Lord Willingdon?

Lord Linlithgow?

Lord wavell?

Lord Mountbatten?

INdian Press: intro?
indian press: acts and regulations?
Censorship of Press act, 1799?
Licensing regulation, 1823?
Charles Metcalfe?
Licensing act 1857?
VPA, 1878?
Act of XXVII of 1870?
Newspaper Act 1908?
Indian Press act 1910?
Indian Press act, 1931?
Press act after independence?
- Press (objectionable matters) act 1951
- Press commission under Sir GS Rajadhyaksha
Indian newspapers and journals: page 1?
- Bengal gazette
- india gazette
- Madras courier
- Bombay Herald
- indian herald
- Digdarshana
- Calcutta journal
- bengal gazette
- Samachar Darpan
Bengal Gazette?
- aka Calcutta General advertiser
- weekly
- 1780
- Calcutta
- by James augustus Hicky
India Gazette
- 1787
- Calcutta
- Henry Louis Vivian Derozio
Madras courier
- first paper frm Madras
- by Richard Johnson
- 1784
- Madras
Bombay Herald?
- first paper frm Bombay
- 1789
- Bombay
Indian herald
- 1795
- madras
- by R. Williams and published by Humphreys
- first Bengali monthly
- 1818
- Calcutta
Calcutta Chronicle/Journal?
- 1818
- by JS Buckingham
- He initiated clear journalistic practices and covered the problems of local people and their lives. Even he had started a movement against the evil practice of ‘Sati’.
bengal Gazette
- first Bengali newspaper
- 1818
- Calcutta
- Harishchandra Ray/ GK Bhattacharya
samachar Darpan?
- considered the first newspaper in Bengali language, thereby first vernacular paper in india; probably preceded ‘Bengal Gazette (Harishchandra Ray)’ by a few months
- published by Serampore Mission press in 1818
Indian newspaper and journals: page 2?
- Sambad Kaumudi
- Mirat ul akbar
- Jam-i-Jhaan numah
- banga dutaBombay samachar
- East Indian
- Bombay times
- Rast Goftar
- Hindu Patriot
Sambad Kaumudi
- weekly in Bengali
- 1821
- RRM roy
Mirat ul akbar
- first journal in Persian
- 1822
- Calcutta
- RRM roy
Jam-i-Jahn Numah
- first paper in Urdu
- 1822
- Calcutta
- by an English firm
Banga duta
- weekly in 4 languages: E, B, P and H
- 1822
- Calcutta
- RRM Roy, Dwarkanath tagore and others
Bombay samachar
- first paper in Gujarati
- oldest daily in india
- by Fardaonji Murzban
- 1822
- Bombay
East Indian
- daily
- 1830
- Henry Vivian derozio
Bombay Times
- 1838
- Bombay
- oldest English daily in India
- foundation laid by Robert Knight; started by Thomas Bennet
- frm 1861, ToI
Rast Goftar
- Gujarati fortnightly
- 1851
- Dadabhai Naoroji
Hindu Patriot
- 1853
- Calcutta
- Girishchandra Ghosh; later by Harishchandra Mukherjii
Indian newspaper and journals: page 3?
- Somaprakasha
- Indian Mirror
- bengalee
- National paper
- madras Mail
- amrita Bazar patrika
- Bangadarshana
- Indian statesman
- The HIndu
- tribune
- first Bengali political paper
- 1858
- Calcutta
- Dwarkanath vidyabhushan
Indian mirror
- first Indian daily paper in english (ToI by Thomas Bennet)
- 1862
- Calcutta
- Devendranath tagore
- 1862
- Calcutta
- Girishchandra Ghosh; later by SN Banerjee
National paper
- 1865
- Calcutta
- devendranath tagore
Madras Mail
- 1868
- madras
- first evening paper in India
Amrita Bazar Patrka
- bengali in beginning, later turned to english
- daily
- 1868
- jessore district
- Sisirkumar Ghosh and Motilal Ghosh
- in bengali
- 1873
- Calcutta
- bankimchandra chatterji
Indian statesman
- 1875
- Calcutta
- by Robert Knight
- later called ‘The statesman’
The Hindu
- in English
- started as weekly
- 1878
- madras
- GS aiyar, Viraraghavchari and subba rao pandit
- daily
- 1881
- Lahore
- Dayal singh Majeetia
Indian newspaper and journals: page 4?
- Kesari
- Maharatta
- Swadeshmitram
- Paridasak
- Yugantar
- sandhya
- kal
- Indian sociologist
- bande Matram
- Talvar
- Free Hindustan
- Ghadr
- Reshwa
kesari and Maharatta
- marathi daily; english weekly
- 1881
- Bombay
- Agarkar and prof. Kelkar respectively; later by Tilak, Chiplunkar and Agarkar
- a tamil paper
- madras
- GS Aiyar
- a weekly
- 1886
- Bipin chandra Pal
- 1906
- Bengal
- Barindra Kumar Ghosh and Bhupendranath dutta
- 1906
- bengal
- Brahmabandhab Upadhyay
- 1906
- MH
Indian sociologist
- London
- Shyamji Krishnaverma
bande Matram
- paris
- madam bhikji kama
- Berlin
- Virendranath Chattopadhyay
Free Hindustan
- Vancouver
- Taraknath dutta
- San Francisco
- Ghadr Party
- before 1908
- ajit Singh
Indian newspaper and journals: page 5?
- Bombay chronicle
- The Hindustan Times
- The Milap
- leader
- Kirti
- bahishkrit bharat
- Kudi Arasu
- Kranti
- Langal
- Ganabani
- Bandi Jivan
- National herald
Bombay chronicle
- daily
- 1913
- Bombay
- pherozeshah Mehta and BG homiman
The hindustan times
- 1920
- Delhi
- by KM Panikkar as part of Akali dal movement
- urdu daily
- 1923
- Lahore
- by MK Chand
- english
- madan Mohan Malviya
- 1926
- PJ
- Santosh Singh
Bahishkrit Bharat
- marathi fortnightly
- 1927
- Ambedkar
Kudi arasu
- Tamil
- 1910
- EV ramaswamy Naicker (periyar)
- 1927
- MH
- SS Mirajkar, KN Joglekar and SV Ghate
langal and Ganabani
- 1927
- bengal
- Gopu Chakravarti and Dharani Goswami
Bandi Jivan
- bengal
- sachindranath sanyal
National Herald
- 1938
- daily
- JN Nehru
Movement of working class?
- Early efforts
- During Swadeshi Upsurge
- betn 1st WW and 2nd WW
- after 2nd WW
Movement of working class: Early efforts: Moderates approach?
- Were indifferent to the labours’ cause
- differentiate between the labour in the Indian owned factories and those in the British owned factories
- believed that labour legislations would affect the competitive edge enjoyed by the Indian owned industries
- did not want a division in the movement on the basis of classes
- did not support the factory act of 1881 and 1891 for these reasons
Movement of working class: Early efforts: individual efforts?
- 1870: Sasipada Bannerjee- a workingmen’s club and newspaper ‘Bharat Shrameevi’
- 1878: Sorabji Bengalee tried to get a bill fr better working conditions to labour passed in bombay LC
- 1880: NM Lokhanday started ‘Deenbandhu’ and set up Bombay Mill ad Millhands association
- NM Lokhanday- father of Trade union movement in india
- 1899: first strike by the Great Indian penisnular Rlys; widespread support; esp by Tilak
- other leaders in this phase: BC Pal and G. Subramaniyam aiyar demanded better working conditions
Movement of working class: Early efforts: earliest legislative attempts related to working class?
- in 1850, a law that can be listed in industrial laws of the country, viz., the Apprentices Act, figured for the first time on India’s statue book.
- 1855 the Indian Fatal Accidents Act, was passed to provide for compensation to families
- in 1860, the Employers and Workmen (Disputes) Act, which provided for the speedy and summary settlement
Factories Act 1881?
- For the first time British tried to improve the working conditions of laborers. Although, initiated to promote the interests of the
producers in Lancashire and Manchester and not of the workers in Indian factories - This act is applicable only to factories using mechanical powers,employing not less than 100 workers.
- The act prohibited employment of children under the age 7.
- children between the age 7-12 were to work for maximum 9 hours.
- Dangerous machines should be fenced properly to avoid accidents.
- reducing the working hrs fr women and also prohibited the night shifts for women workers.
- The act had a provision of one hour rest during the working period.
- 4 days leave in a month for workers was made compulsory.
- To supervise the implementation of this act,inspectors are appointed.
Factories act 1891
- Minimum age raised from 7 to 9
- fr children between age 9 and 14 the work hrs limit was 8 hours with no work at night.
- To women employment at night prohibited and work for 11 hours and 11 with 2 hrs. of rest allowed.
- For all workers including male a mid day stoppage and one days rest/ week was prescribed
- The act applied to all factories employing not less than 50 persons
Factories act 1911
- In 1906, textile factory and labour committee was appointed and on its report the factory act of 1911 was enacted
- Certification of children’s age was required and for the first time hours of work for adult male workers was fixed at 12 hours/day
Movement of working class: Swadeshi upsurge?
- participated in wider political issue
- strikes organised ni govt press, rlys and jute ind by
- Ashwini Kumar Bannerjee
- Prabhat Kumar roy Chaudhari
- Premtosh Bose
- apurba Kumar Ghosh
- Subramniya Siva at tuticorin
- Chidambaram pillai at Tirunelveli
- first attempts, bt unsuccessful, to frm trade unions
- biggest strike of this phase after Tilak’s arrest and trial
First Indian Leader to link Capitalism and Imperialism?
Lala Lajpat rai
“militarism and imperialism are twin children of Capitalism”
Movement of working class: betn 1915 and 1930?
- burden of WW I + emergence of Gandhi + international events like establishment of Socialist republic in Russia, formation of comintern and estab of ILO
- Oct 31st 1920: AITUC estab;
- lala Lajpat Rai- 1st prez and Dewan chaman lal- 1st gen secy
- welcomed by INC at Gaya sesson 1922
- CR Das presided over 3rd and 4th session; advocated INC to collab with AITUC and take up cause of workers
- other leaders who presided AITUC: nehru, SC Bose, CF Andrews, JM Sengupta, satyamurthy, VV Giri and sarojini Naidu
- in thebeginning influenced by ideas of British Labor party
- gandhian philosophy of : non-violence, trusteeship and class-collab had great influence
- trade Union act 1926
- Communist influence in late 1920s leading to militant and revolutionary feature
- Meerut Conspiracy case
Movement of working class: betn 1915 and 1930: Gandhi’s role?
- gandhian philosophy of : non-violence, trusteeship and class-collab had great influence on AITUC
- gave a boost to workers’ cause
- helped to organise Ahmedabad textile Labour association in 1918
- actually by Anusuya sarabhai (first women trade union leader in India) and Shankarlal banker
Movement of working class: betn 1915 and 1930: trade union act 1926?
- result of efforts of NM Joshi, thus also called father of Indian Trade unions (along with NM Lokhanday)
- Recognise trade unions as legal associations
- laid down conditions for registration and regulation of trade union activities
- main condition was that at least 50% of office bearers had to be workers
- secured immunity, both Civil and criminal, for trade unions from prosecution for legitimate activities but put some restrictions on the political activities
Movement of working class: betn 1915 and 1930: Late 1920s?
- more militant and revolutionary
- 1928: 6 months long strike in Bombay textile mill led by Girni Kamgar union
- leaders: SA Dange; Muzzafar ahmad; PC Joshi; Sohan Singh Joshi
- Govt, worried, passed Public safety ordinance in 1929 and Trade Disputes Act, 1929
- Trade Disputes Act, 1929:
- passed after 1929’s Bengal Jute Mills strike
- Made compulsory the appointment of courts of enquiry and consultation boards for settling industrial disputes
- made illegal the strikes in public utility services like post, Railways, water and electricity etc unless each individual worker planning to go on strike gave an advance notice of 1 month to the administration
- prohibited Trade union activity of coercive or popular political nature and even sympathetic strikes
- The act was involved only 5 times during those years more than 1200 industrial disputes occurred.
Movement of working class: betn 1915 and 1930: Meerut Conspiracy case?
- march 1829, Govt arrested 31 labor leaders; trial got worldwide publicity bt weakened working class movement
- conviction of:
- Muzzafar ahmed
- SA dange
- Joglekar
- Philip Spratt
- ben bradley
- Shaukat Usman
- sympathetic remarks by many like Einstein and roosevelt
- termed by british as ‘a judicial scandal’
- brought together the leftists and rightists grps in India
Movement of working class: after 1930?
- participated in CDM
- after 1931, dip in working class movement coz of a splitin 1931
- In 1926, two grps present:
- ‘moderates’ aka ‘reforming’ aka ‘geneva-amsterdam’ grp led by NM Joshi, who believed in limiting workers’ movements to workers’ issues, and
- ‘revolutionary’ aka ‘Moscovite Grp’ led by MN Roy, who were inspired by Communists and wanted to be affliated with red Labor Union and wanted to establish a socialist state in india
- Finally, communist grp prevailed and AITUC was affliated to Third International at Moscow. In Protest, Moderates led by NM Joshi, broke away frm AITUC to set up All india Trade UNion Federation in 1929
- estab of congress Socialist Party in 1934
- in 1938, merger of the the three brands of trade unions: AITUC, Red Trade UNion Congress and AITUF
- In 1926, two grps present:
- Under Congress ministeries, AITUC got a fillip and many legislations favourable to workers passed
Other Trade disputes acts?
- Bombay Trade Disputes Conciliation Act - 1934
- It Mainly applied to cotton textile mills in Bombay city and suburbs.
- The Act provided not for enquiry or abstention or adjudication but for conciliation only
- These acts practically removed industrial strikes and disputes from the city of Bombay.
- Bombay Industrial Disputes Act -1938
- In also was related to cotton textile mills.
- It made elaborate provisions for re-presentation of workers at there proceedings (both conciliation and arbitration).
- Those strikes and lockouts were illegal which were declared without notice or was taken before the end of conciliation period or two months period
- Bombay Industrial Relations Act -1947 :
- It aimed at the settlement of the industrial disputes more efficiently and quickly and encourage the workers to organise them self.
- For the first time provision was made to establish Labour Courts.
Congress Socialist Party
- founded in 1934 by Congress members who rejected what they saw as the anti-rational mysticism of Gandhiji
- included advocates of armed struggle or sabotage (such as Yusuf Meherally, Jai Prakash Narayan, and Basawon Singh (Sinha) as well as those who insisted upon ahimsa or nonviolent resistance (such as Acharya Narendra Deva).
- In 1936 the Communists joined CSP, as part of the Popular Front strategy of the ComIntern
- CSP had adopted Marxism in 1936 and their third conference in Faizpur they had formulated a thesis that directed the party to work to transform the Indian National Congress into an anti-imperialist front
- Nehru: not a member;
Giri proposal?
to unite AITUC and All india trade union federation