Important Things to Study Flashcards
12 Situations That Require Base Hospital Contact Prior to Transport
Critical Trauma
Critical Burn
Fracture or dislocation with neuro and/or vascular compromise
Symptomatic Brady/Tachy or ROSC
VAD pt
Pre-eclampsia/Eclampsia/Childbirth complications/neonatal resuscitation
Sexual Assualt
Provider uncertainty
Pediatric Intubation Cutoff
The pt must appear to be above the age of 8
6 Reasons to Discontinue Resuscitation Prior to Transport (Must meet all 6)
Medical (non-traumatic) pt
Unwitnessed arrest
No shock indicated
Resuscitation has been attempted for 20 minutes without ROSC
Persistent PEtCO2 less than 15 mmHg
Persistent aystole/agonal rhythm/ PEA<10
9 Reasons Not to Attempt Resuscitation
MCI pt remains apneic after airway positioning
Pulseless/Apneic with rigor or lividity
Generalized decomposition or incineration
Separation of brain/heart/lungs from body
Total abdominal evisceration
Complete transection of torso
Valid DNR
Blunt trauma arrest w/ persistent asystole/agonal rhythm/PEA<40
Blunt Trauma Arrest Destination
Closest receiving facility
Penetrating Trauma Arrest Destination
Closest trauma center if bypassing closest receiving increases transport time by no more than 10 minutes
Critical burn criteria (5)
2nd degree > 30%
3rd degree > 10%
2nd or 3rd degree involving face, feet, hands, genitals/perineum, major joints, fractures or circumferential burns
High voltage electrical burns
Burns with significant pre-existing medical conditions
Do’s and Don’t’s for VAD pt’s
YES chest compression
YES cardioversion/pacing/defib
Do’s and Don’t’s for TAH pt’s
YES NTG for SBP>140
NO chest compressions
NO electircal therapy
Flow heat illness hyperthermia
Remove from heat Active cooling Baseline temp BGL Cool IV fluids 250mL NS Repeat Temp Nebulized Albuterol 2.5mg (BHO) Calcium Chloride 1g IV(BHO) Midazolam 2.5mg IV (BHO) Bicarb 50mEq IV (BHO)
Flow for hypothermia
Remove from cold Active warming Baseline temp BGL Warm IV fluids Fentanyl 50 mcg x 2
Flow for ACS
ASA 324mg PO (NO PEDS)
NTG 0.4mg spray or Tab x 3 every 3 to 5 min(NO PEDS)
NTG paste 1g TD (NO PEDS)
Fentanyl 50mcg x 2
Make STEMI center contact before transport if indicated
Flow for Symptomatic tachy w/ pulses
Make Base prior to transport IV (large bore AC) 250 mL NS Vasalva Adenosine 12mg IV Rapid with 20mL rapid saline flush (BHO PEDS) Midazolam 2.5 mg IV/IN x 2 (BHO PEDS) Synchronised cardioversion 100j, 150j, 200j (BHO PEDS) Amiodarone (BHO) Lidocaine (BHO)
Flow for symptomatic brady w/ pulses
Make base prior to transport
Atropine 0.5mg IV x 6 (BHO PEDS)
Midazolam 2.5 mg IV/IN 5mg IM x 2 (BHO PEDS)
TCP begin at 70BPM and 20mA minimum current to gain capture, increase bpm by 10 until perfusion increases max 100bpm (BHO PEDS)
Fentanyl 50mcg IV x 2 (BHO PEDS)
Epinephrine for peds (BHO)
Flow for cardiac arrest
CPR Defibrillate if indicated ETCO2 IV Epi 1:10,000 1mg IV every 3-5 x 5 Amiodarone 300mg IV for V-Tach/Fib repeat 150mg IV (BHO PEDS) H's & T's Bicarb 50mEq IV x 2 for extended down time suspected hyperK (BHO PEDS) ROSC care or discontinue if indicated Atropine (BHO) Calcium (BHO) Lidocaine (BHO) Magnesium (BHO) Fentanyl (BHO)